
Judges, Ruth (NAC) - review

Judges, Ruth (NAC) by Daniel Block is an excellent commentary on the Old Testament books of Ruth and Judges. For Ruth, Block does a fine job, but the real treasure is his treatment of Judges. This review focuses on Judges.

* Easy and fun to read
* Great focus on the text; brings out literary features such as ironies, phonetic tidbits, and changes/omissions as the story unfolds
* Makes connections outside the text
* Makes strong application points

(For my purposes, I can't think of anything significant. If you disagree with the fundamental way he handles the text, you obviously won't get much out of this book.)

Excellent commentary! I used this to prepare for an adult Bible Study. The group kept growing as the summer went on; people wanted the notes if they missed a study. It helped us not only understand Judges, but gave us tools and motivation for looking carefully at the text.

1 and 2 Samuel (TOTC) - review

1 and 2 Samuel (TOTC) by Joyce G. Baldwin is a shorter commentary and introduction on 1 & 2 Samuel.

* Good evaluation of issues that are presented
* Concise
* Helpful to preachers

* Short; issues are missed
* Not as strong on textual issues

This is a great commentary if your expectations are properly tempered. Baldwin will bring up high point issues, deal with them concisely, and move on. This is written for the preacher and while it may lack a depth that other commentaries have, the words that are printed are useful. It is also small enough that my year-old daughter likes to cart it around. While I like Bergen, Cora heartily chooses Baldwin over the other Samuel commentaries.

1, 2 Samuel (NAC) - review

1, 2 Samuel (NAC) by Robert Bergen is a commentary from the New American Commentary series on the books of 1 & 2 Samuel.

* Handles issues in a solid fashion
* Gives good textual insight
* Give good background information
* Shows the connections throughout 1 & 2 Samuel and the OT
* Evangelical and pastoral perspective
* Great introduction

* Somewhat brief
* Doesn't help as much in going from text to message as I'd like

This is probably the best of the bunch in 1 & 2 Samuel. Bergen does a solid job and this should be an addition to anyone that is preaching from these books.

Luke 1:1-9:50 (BECNT) - review

Luke 1:1-9:50 (BECNT) by Darrell Bock is the first in a two-part volume commentary on the book of Luke.

* Comprehensive
* Deals well with textual and grammatical issues
* Gives some application oriented insight
* Easy to read and easy to follow
* Great introduction, outline of the book

* Some interpretive issues are not addressed. (This will be true in some sense in all commentaries, but given how well Bock does in some of these other areas, I was hoping for more.)
* My evaluation might be weak because I only used his Luke commentary. Other resources that I used for Luke were not commentaries and so I don't have much to compare from.

Other resources that were especially helpful in Luke are David Pao's notes from his English Bible class on Luke, Andy Perry's, John Piper's, and Tim Keller's sermons on Luke, the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, and particularly the Commentary of Use of the OT in the NT.

This is one of the top rated Evangelical commentaries on the book of Luke. It keeps you from going off the cliff, so to speak.

The First Epistle to the Corinthians (NIGTC) - review

The First Epistle to the Corinthians (NIGTC) by Anthony C. Thiselton is a robust commentary on 1 Corinthians.

* Deals exhaustively with issues
* Well-outlined
* Good connections intracanonically
* Good background on the world of Paul and Corinth
* Great help with the Greek text

* Thick reading with a bunch of information that isn't very helpful for the end message
* Not strong in practical application, but issues are covered in such a way that such implications are not difficult to bring out

This is a top commentary on this book. I coupled this commentary with some shorter expositions from DA Carson: Cross and Christian Ministry and Showing the Spirit. I also used some resources from Desiring God, Commentary of the Use of the OT in the NT, the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, and Al Lewis' messages and Q&A on various topics.

2 Samuel: Out of Every Adversity (Focus on the Bible Commentaries) - review

2 Samuel: Out of Every Adversity (Focus on the Bible Commentaries) by Dale Ralph Davis is a commentary on 2 Samuel. This is not so much of a commentary, but an exposition on the various passages.

* Easy to read
* Lots of 'here and now' type illustrations
* Very application oriented

* With a few exceptions, little help with the text itself
* Doesn't deal with many intracanonical issues
* Seems to lack a Christological focus

This was a helpful book, if you know how to use it. I bought it at the STRONG urging of a friend at which time I also bought another of Davis' books. I am glad I bought both at the same time, because I don't think I would have bought this one had I only purchased the other first. It has some good uses, but it is very deficient in other areas. But for 2 Samuel, there aren't as many expositional resources, having this was helpful even if I didn't always take the path Davis did.


Brave New World - review

Brave New World by Adlous Huxley is about a society in the future based on control and stability. In this society, parenting is a non-existent concept (a tot in the pot), monogamy is immoral, and pain is to be subdued with a drug called soma. In contrast to this 'utopian' society, there a reserve where 'primitive' people are allowed to give birth to children, learn non-sanctioned poetry, and live without drug induced vacations. For a few people, these two worlds collide.

While a classic, it is quite racy and very choppy. There are several places where it is difficult to figure out which person is speaking. The story ends rather abruptly and leaves several open loops. Great for discussion and commentary on the direction of society, fair as far as actual reading enjoyment goes.


What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur'an - A History of Islam & the United States - review

What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur'an - A History of Islam & the United States by William J. Federer attempts to give an overview of Islam, the Qur'an, and how it impacts the US. This book was given for me to read by a good friend. Even though I respect this person a great deal, the book was a disappointment in several areas.

This book was more a grouping of certain facts, quotes, and comments rather than having any sort of real story/argument to pull you along. Chapters were really general headings to these chucks of text and paragraphs were either a quote or a simple statement.

Much of the book was bits of information that were loosely pieced together, often lacking connection to the larger argument. References were wanting at times - the author several times referred to (even printed portions of!) Wikipedia for support. Many times a real argument wasn't made, statements were made but not interpreted, and some references were unnecessarily long. At times I struggled to even see how the evidence supported the greater point/chapter heading.

I think the book was trying to make us concerned about Islam as Americans and as Christians. Much of what was stated was not compelling or incomplete. As a Christian, you really have to make me understand why Thomas Jefferson's statements are relevant. As an American, you have to do the same. There was a tightness that was assumed between Christianity and being an American that makes me uncomfortable. Plus, even if your case is made, so what? I felt the implied application is hand-wringing and fear.

There is much to assess concerning Islam and while this book has nuggets, there needs to be a better, more coherent presentation of the salient issues and then what are the implications. Because of the issues mentioned earlier, I would want to consult another source before trusting in the veracity of Federer's collage of information.

Death by Love - review

Death by Love by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears is a series of letters written to people in his church that had some serious issues in front of them.

What is beautiful about this book is the way Driscoll ties theology and particularly the implications of who Christ is to real (and often super serious) problems.

One of, if not my favorite book this year. Watch the video which outlines the book. You should read it. If you go to my church, it is on the display shelf to check out. If you don't, you can buy it online.

Read a sample chapter. Start with the first few paragraphs - you wonder what can be said in this situation? Keep reading.


The Man Who Was Thursday (audio) - review

The Man Who Was Thursday by C.K. Chesterton is a story set in the early 20th century London. It features Gabriel Syme, a poet that is secretly working for an anti-anarchist task force in Scotland Yard. The story, laden with allegory, shows Syme's pursuit of the anarchists and especially their leader, a man called Sunday.

This was an awesome audio book: short, compelling, easy to follow while you listen. The story itself is rather good as well. The finale was confusing at parts and I was searching to apply allegorical meaning to everything, which is probably not a good way to read this book. But I did think that this would be a great book for a book discussion.


The DNA of relationships - review

The DNA of Relationships by Gary Smalley describes our life as a bunch of relationships.

The book is as follows:
* Part one describes the nature of relationships and how you can 'dance' destructively.
* Part two describes the five new relationship dance steps: take personal responsibility, create a safe environment, keep your battery charged, listen with the heart, and adopt a no-losers policy.
* Part three gives some concluding and encouraging thoughts.

The book has a bunch of wonderful material, like the discussion on fear. It is also very easy to read; it even has one page chapter summaries (essentially the chapter minus the stories). This book is easily referenced if you needed to pick it back up. There is a website devoted to propagating these dance principles.

With some of the vigor that this book was recommended, I am surprised I wasn't as taken by it. The were a few quirky things that didn't settle as well. Plus, I felt a bit betrayed when I learned that the chapter summaries are an acceptable substitute for the majority of the chapters. But for many it has been very helpful. Waste of money? Not by a long shot. But I probably won't have our church go through the DVD series without a serious reread.


Christ & Culture Revisited - review

Christ & Culture Revisited by D.A. Carson looks at the relationship between Christians and the culture they live in.

The book starts out with by looking at Richard Niebuhr's five-fold analysis of Christ and culture. After working through Niebuhr and giving some direction on some preliminary issues (definitions, framing the discussion, etc), Carson then begins to start looking at a positive way forward. This involves a robust critique of what we call 'good' in politics.

I always enjoy Carson's insight and this book is no exception. He does an excellent job at highlighting prominent contemporary thinking on Christ and culture. His critiques and concluding reflections are especially helpful. Highly recommended.


Bits of Brainerd

Thursday, November 22 (excerpt). Formerly, when I was thus exposed to cold, rain, etc. I was ready to please myself with the thoughts of enjoying a comfortable house, a warm fire, and other outward comforts; but now these have less place in my heart (through the grace of God), and my eye is more to God for comfort. In this world I expect tribulation; and it does not now, as formerly, appear strange to me.


Missing In America - review

Missing in America by Tom Clegg and Warren Bird highlights the need for evangelism in America and gives some practical insights on how to move in that direction.

The chapters lay out as follows:
1. Centering - what it means for Christians to be Christ's followers.
2. Overhearing - if you could get inside people's souls, you'll find God already at work.
3. Translating - indispensable attitudes that will help your friends experience the gospel.
4. Connecting - when people are ready, God can use you to help them cross the line of faith.
5. Traveling - taking the first steps with your friends prepares them for a journey of a lifetime.

The data and the stories in this book are very persuasive in showing that there is a need for evangelism in America. While the chapters are laid out in a logical fashion, I felt within the chapters themselves there was a bit of a shotgun approach. For some, this book has a style that really grabs and engages. For others, read a segment then pause before moving on.

I heard Tom Clegg at a conference and he was great. Part of the appeal of the book was being able to have his 'notes' from the message. As a speaker, Tom is passionate, engaging, and unflappable (given some of the technical problems with the first message).


Good to Great and the Social Sectors - review

Good to Great and the Social Sectors by Jim Collins is an addendum to his larger work Good to Great. This is a short (35 page) monograph that bridges the gap from the business sector to the social sector.

On leadership:
Level 5 (the highest) leadership is not about being "soft" or "nice" or purely "inclusive" or "consensus-building." The whole point of Level 5 is to make sure the right decisions happen - no matter how difficult or painful - for the long term greatness of the institution and the achievment of its mission, independent of consensus or popularity.

On assessment:
It doesn't really matter whether you can quantify your results. What matters is that you rigorously assemble evidence - quantitative or qualitative - to track your progress. If the evidence is primarily qualitative, think like a trial lawyer assembling the combined body of evidence. If the evidence is primarily quantitative, then think of yourself as a laboratory scientist assembling and assessing the data.

While there are certainly some filters one must put in place, there are some helpful thoughts to distill from Collins. And the brevity means that you get right to the point and can assess his arguments with greater ease.


Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity - review

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen is a method of being able to collect, process, organize, review, and do all the 'things' that flow our way.

I have used some of the techniques in Getting Things Done (GTD), but never read the book until now. Wow! I can foresee this book being a very helpful tool in managing the 'things' that I am responsible for. Allen gives simple and natural ideas some legs so that people can sleep at night not wondering if there is anything they missed. Business Week says that this book is one of the longest running best sellers.

Bob Hyatt has some helpful thoughts on using GTD as a pastor. David Allen has his own website (davidco.com), which I haven't really perused, but it may be helpful too.

Spiritual Disciplines within the Church: Participating Fully in the Body of Christ - review

Spiritual Disciplines within the Church: Participating Fully in the Body of Christ by Donald Whitney outlines the 'whats' and 'whys' of doing things together as the church.

The book identifies 13 disciplines:
Why go to church?
Why seek baptism in the church?
Why join a church?
Why listen to preaching in the church?
Why worship with the church?
Why witness with the church?
Why serve in the church?
Why give to the church?
Why attend the ordinances of the church?
Why fellowship with the church?
Why pray with the church?
Why learn in the church?
Why research the church?
This volume is solid and readable; Whitney gives some good biblical insight into these disciplines. There are, however, some weakness that I would have liked to have seen addressed. On some of the disciplines (like the ordinances), Whitney doesn't go after as many issues as I would have liked (example from the ordinances: what does it mean to examine yourself? isn't given much explanation). Also, the main question that seems to be addressed is one of individualism - why should I do things with the church versus by myself? This is an excellent and contemporary question, but there is more to thinking about disciplines within the church than this question. It seems that the question of individualism frames the disciplines that were chosen.

I recommend and will probably use this book. For those that enjoyed Whitney's book on 'personal' spiritual disciplines however, this book will seem to lack something.


Bits of Brainerd

Thursday, April 7. Appeared to myself exceedingly ignorant, weak, helpless, unworthy, and altogether unequal to my work. It seemed to me I should never do any service or have any success among the Indians. My soul was weary of my life; I longed for deaths beyond measure. When I though of any godly soul departed, my soul was ready to envy him his privilege, thinking, “Oh, when will my turn come! Must it be years first!” But I know, these ardent desires, at the and other times, rose partly for want of resignation to God under all miseries; and so were but impatience. Toward night, I had the exercise of faith in prayer, and some assistance in writing. O the God would keep me near him!


1 Corinthians 16 - serving

Miracles Do Happen. Proof.
Originally uploaded by velo_city.

—you know that the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia, and that they have devoted themselves to the service of the saints—

1 Corinthians 16:14 (ESV)

May we emulate and take our instructions (v 15) from brothers and sisters who serve.


Bits of Brainerd

Lord's day, March 13. At noon I thought it impossible for me to preach, by reason of bodily weakness and inward deadness. In the first prayer I was so weak that I could hardly stand; but in the sermon God strengthened me, so that I spake near an hour and a half with sweet freedom, clearness, and some tender power, from Gen. 5:24, "And Enoch walked with God." I was sweetly assisted to insist on a close walk with God, and to leave this as my parting advice to God's people here, that they should walk with God. May the God of all grace succeed my poor labors in this place!


Dynamics of Spiritual Life: An Evangelical Theology of Renewal - review

Dynamics of Spiritual Life: An Evangelical Theology of Renewal by Richard F. Lovelace gives a historical and biblical look at what Spiritual life (or Spiritual renewal) looks like.

The book is divided into two major sections. First is the section on the dynamics of renewal demonstrating historical revivals, biblical models, and vital elements found in continuous renewal. Secondly, Lovelace describes what this looks like in the church: sanctification, orthodox doctrine, evangelism, social concern, and discernment on false renewal.

Concerning justification: "Many have so light an apprehension of God's holiness and the extent and guilt of their sin that consciously they see little need for justification, although below the surface of their lives they are deeply guilt-ridden and insecure. Many others have a theoretical commitment to this doctrine but in their day-to-day existence they rely on their sanctification for justification." (p 101)

Concerning the Puritan move to America: "Most American Puritans in the late seventeenth century seem to have been caught up in either of two forms of self-absorption: those who were seriously religious were urgently concerned to establish their regeneracy and grow in personal holiness, and those who were only formally pious were mesmerized by their interest in land and business. Edmund Morgan has suggested that the predominant motive of the Puritans in moving to America was not mission but the preservation of godly family dynasties." (p 149)

Concerning the perception of younger evangelicals: "From their perspective, both 'liberals' and 'conservatives' have simply given lip service to the rather costly demands of Christian social involvement. The numerical growth of 'born again' religion in what we have described as a potential great awakening strikes them as an almost blasphemous irony considering the depth of unmet social need in America." (p 357)

This book came recommended to me by a good friend and pastoral mentor, Al Lewis, and I heard Tim Keller reference this work several times in his messages. The impact of this book must have been keenly felt years ago; it may be time to bring back this classic.

The Church at the End of the Twentieth Century - review

The Church at the End of the Twentieth Century by Francis Schaeffer gives thoughts and concerns for the church as it approaches the year 2000. It was an interesting book since (1) I could see how some of Schaeffer's insights have come to pass and (2) I read it in Kenya where some of Schaeffer's concerns were all the more poignant (and others seemingly irrelevant). While much of Schaeffer's book focused on liberalism and the demise of truth, here is a sampling of a few other issues that he touches on.

Concerning hypocrisy: "Gauguin tried to find the ideal in Tahiti, while his family starved in Europe. ... Rousseau wrote on raising children while his own children were institutionalized." (p. 17)

Concerning the church and political alliances: "We should be political co-belligerents not allies." (p 38)

Concerning conservatism: "One of the greatest injustices we do to our young people is to ask them to be conservative and not revolutionary." (p 78)

Concerning flags: "Does two flags in your church mean that Christianity and the American establishment are equal? ... These are not two equal loyalties. Caesar is second to God. Patriotic loyalty must not be identified with Christianity." (p 79)

Concerning hospitality: "Open your home." (p 100)

Concerning denominational splits: "Those who come out tend to be hard and absolutist. ... Those that stay in tend towards liberalism." (p 151)

Concerning Christian absolutes: "Christian doctrine lays down a circle with freedom to move and not a point." (p 158) He goes on, however to call the edge of a circle a cliff that we must never fall off of.

Concerning history: "The historic fall is not an interpretation; it is a brute fact." (p 166)

This being my first Schaeffer book, I was surprised to see how much his tone (as much as you can read tone from a book) shifts on the different subjects he addresses. I enjoyed the book and look forward to more; he is quite thoughtful. If you want to stay on his good side, however, don't kick people out of a church service for wearing jeans.

Please pray for believers in India

From Michael Ireland Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service

ORISSA STATE, EASTERN INDIA (ANS) -- More than 600 churches have been demolished, 4,000 Christians forced to flee from their villages, and at least 25 killed as a result of violent persecution in the state of Orissa in eastern India. ...

Since Sunday, August 24, churches, schools and other institutions, prayer rooms, and homes of Christians have been ransacked, burnt and destroyed. Christians have been assaulted and reportedly at least twenty-five have been killed, some of them burnt alive or cut into pieces.

In an August 26 email to the Baptist World Alliance (BWA), Swarupananda Patra, General Secretary of the All Orissa Baptist Churches Federation, said “All Christian villages [are] empty in Kandhamal as Christians, old and young, sick and pregnant mothers [are] hiding in forests exposed to the non-stop monsoon rains without food.”

He reported that Kandhamal is the hardest hit, with at least eight Christians killed and almost all Christian homes demolished, but Christians in the districts of Balasore, Bargarh, and Kalahandi are also experiencing severe persecution. ...

P. Ramesh Kumar, Principal of the Balasore Technical School, reported to the BWA on August 25, “We are all under immense danger and threat from these groups.…Please continue to uphold us in your prayer particularly for the safety of Christian brothers and sisters who are now hiding themselves in jungles.” ...

This is not the first time Christians in Orissa have experienced violent attacks. In December 2007, Hindu militants burned approximately 90 churches and 600 homes, killing an estimated 10 persons.

Read the full article here.

For more updates visit the following links:

[Thanks to Jim, Jeff, and TJ Addington for the updates]


Tim Keller on family versus the office

Tim Keller on not spending so much time in the office doing ministry:
So you might as well have a strong relationship with God and a strong family and have people mad at you, because they're going to be mad at you anyway.

[HT: Unashamed Workman]


Bits of Brainerd

Tuesday, February 7. Was much engaged in some sweet meditations on the powers and affections of the godly soul in their pursuit of their beloved object: wrote something of the native language of spiritual sensation, in its soft and tender whispers; declaring, that it now feels and tastes that the Lord is gracious; that he is a complete sufficient and almighty portions; saying,
"Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is not upon earth that I desire besides this blessed portion. O, I feel it is heaven to please him, and to be just what he would have me to be! O that my soul were holy, as he is holy! O that it were pure, even as Christ is pure; and perfect, as my Father is heaven is perfect! These, I feel, are the sweetest commands in God's book, comprising all others. And shall I break them! must I break them! am I under a necessity of it as long as I live in the world! O my soul, woe, woe is me that I am a sinner, because I now necessarily grieve and offend this blessed God, who is infinite in goodness and grace! Oh, methinks, if he would punish me for my sins, it would not wound my heart so deep to offend him: but though I sin continually, yet he continually repeats his kindness to me! Oh, methinks I could bear any sufferings; but how can I bear to grieve and dishonor this blessed God! How shall I yield ten thousand times more honor to him? What shall I do to glorify and worship this best of beings? O that I could consecrate myself, soul and body, to his service forever! O that I could give up myself to him, so as never more to attempt to be my own, or to have any will or affections that are not perfectly conformed to him! But, alas, alas! I find I cannot be thus entirely devoted to God; I cannot live, and not sin. O ye angels, do ye glorify him incessantly; and if possible, prostrate yourselves lower before the blessed King of heaven? I long to bear a part with you; and, if it were possible, to help you. Oh, when we have done all that we can, to all eternity, we shall not be able to offer the ten thousandth part of the homage that the glorious God deserves!"
Felt something spiritual, devout, resigned, and mortified to the world, much of the day; and especially toward, and in, the evening. Blessed be God, that he enables me to love him for himself.


Bits of Brainerd

Wednesday, January 8. In the evening my heart was drawn out after God in secret: my soul was refreshed and quickened; and, I trust, faith was in exercise. I had great hopes of the ingathering of precious souls to Christ; not only among my own people, but others also. I was sweetly resigned and composed under my bodily weakness; and was willing to live or die, and desirous to labor for God to the utmost of my strength.

Thursday, January 9. Was still very weak, and much exercised with vapory disorders. In the evening enjoyed some enlargement and spirituality in prayer. Oh that I could always spend my time profitably, both in health and weakness!

Jeremiah 17 - Thirst or refreshment

Wind ripples and desert shrub
Originally uploaded by roy.luck.
Thus says the Lord:

“Cursed is the man who trusts in man
and makes flesh his strength,
whose heart turns away from the Lord.
He is like a shrub in the desert,
and shall not see any good come.
He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness,
in an uninhabited salt land.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose trust is the Lord.
He is like a tree planted by water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

- Jeremiah 17:5-8 (ESV)


Bits of Brainerd

Saturday, December 18. Spent much time in prayer in the woods; and seemed raised above the things of the world: my soul was strong in the Lord of hosts; but was sensible of great barrenness.


The Tipping Point [abridged audiobook] by Malcolm Gladwell

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell is an entertaining study on how epidemics work.

A Tipping Point is where momentum for change becomes so great that it cannot be stopped. Gladwell states that these changes - whether they are ideas, products, behaviors - spread like viruses. He goes on to describe the process and the key players in such change.

To understand Gladwell's analysis of Tipping Points, see the wikipedia article. Concise and helpful.

I listened to an abridged version on an audio book. Normally an audio book would be a poor format for a book like this, but Gladwell's thoughts are concise and simple. In fact, one of the Amazon reviews states that the book is too long and is more appropriate as a magazine article. I felt like the audio book was sufficient and it was quite short.

The examples are fascinating. If you liked Freakonomics, you'll like this book.


Quiet Strength [abridged audiobook] by Tony Dungy

Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, and Priorities of a Winning Life by Tony Dungy is an autobiography of the now coach of the Indianapolis Colts.

This was an excellent book. Narrated by Tony Dungy, he simply talks about his life: his faith, sports, his wife, kids, the media, friends. This book wasn't about his football career, but it was how the Lord worked in his life.

Needless to say, I am a recent Tony Dungy fan. I heard Dungy on the radio talking about his son who had committed suicide. He talked about all the good that had came about because of the unique opportunities this tragic event had afforded: people coming to Christ, fathers investing time with their sons, etc. When he reflected on all of this, he wondered if he would willingly give up his son for all the good it had done. He thought, "no I wouldn't give up my son for anything." Then he was struck with the fact that God did give up His Son for others. It was a powerful message.

This book is a great audio book. Easy to listen to and follow. You can pick up where you left off with ease. The recordings were very well done.


Bits of Brainerd

"Lord's day, December 12. I felt in the morning as if I had little or no power either to pray or preach; and felt a distressing need of divine help. I went to the meeting trembling; but it pleased God to assist me in prayer and sermon. I think my soul scarce ever penetrated so far into the immaterial world, in any one prayer that ever I made, nor were my devotions ever so free from gross conceptions and imaginations framed from beholding material objects. I preached with some sweetness, from Matt. 6:33, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God," etc.; and in the afternoon from Rom. 15:30, "And now I beseech you brethren," etc. There was much affection in the assembly. This has been a sweet Sabbath to me; and blessed be God, I have reason to think, that my religion is becoming more spiritual, by means of my late inward conflicts. Amen. May I always be willing that God should use his own methods with me!"

Bits of Brainerd - introduction

David Brainerd was a missionary to the Native Americans in the 1740's. He suffered many ailments and obstacles, probably including depression. While he only lived a short time (he died at the age of 29), this collection of his journals by Jonathan Edwards has had incredible impact on future generations of missionaries.

For our encouragement, I will post some excerpts from Edwards' book.

The Wikipedia bio (short)

Buy the book (long, but rewarding)

Read it for free (Christian Classics Ethereal Library, requires a search)

Oh, That I May Never Loiter On My Heavenly Journey! Reflections on the Life and Ministry of David Brainerd by John Piper (best place to start)


Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands - review

Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands by Paul David Tripp has been called by Deepak Reju (of 9Marks) as the one book to get on Biblical counseling.

After laying a good foundation of our need for Christ, Tripp sets out a fairly simple process to counseling: love, know, speak, do. These steps are broken down into various parts:
* The four elements of a loving ministry relationship are entering the person's world, incarnating the love of Christ, identifying with suffering, and accepting the agenda.
* To gather information, you need to know the situation, the responses, the thoughts, and the motives.
* To speak the truth in love requires a balance of comfort and call to sanctification. The direction of the guidance involves consideration of what the Lord wants the person to see, confession of sin, commitment to new ways of living, and change in daily life.
* To help a person do what God wants has four objectives - establish your personal ministry agenda, clarify responsibility, instill identity in Christ, and provide accountability.

One refreshing aspect about this book is that Tripp looks at quite a few passages of Scripture to find a way forward in being used to help people change. Not the normal sort of proof-texting one might find to support the odd point or two, but almost sermons on sizable passages. But what really stands out is that Tripp continually brings us before a sovereign Lord and before the cross of Christ, giving both hope and grace.

A friend of mine recommended Tripp to me and I must say that he was very insightful and practical. I hope to read some of his other works along with some of his contemporaries like David Powlison. Great stuff; beneficial to anyone who talks with other people.


A Diary of Private Prayer - review

A Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie is a series of written prayers for morning and evening. This was recommended to me by a friend and it has been wonderful. Among many evangelicals, written prayers aren't all that common, probably due to the fear that they will become heartless mantras that are chugged through. But I found that these prayers were stimulating and often times could better communicate my own own desires than I could. The book is cheap and small, the prayers are written in an older style of English (KJV English, written in 1949), but I really enjoyed the content. Here is a sampling:

Twenty-Fifth Day, Evening
Holy God, to whose service I long ago dedicated my soul and life, I grieve and lament before Thee that I am still so prone to sin and so little inclined to obedience:

* So much attached to the pleasures of sense, so negligent of things spiritual:
* So prompt to gratify my body, so slow to nourish my soul:
* So greedy for present delight, so indifferent to lasting blessedness:
* So fond of idleness, so indisposed for labour:
* So soon at play, so late at prayer:
* So brisk in the service of self, so slack in the service of others:
* So eager to get, so reluctant to give:
* So lofty in my profession, so low in my practice:
* So full of good intentions, so backward to fulfill them:
* So severe with my neighbours, so indulgent with myself:
* So eager to find fault, so resentful at being found fault with:
* So little able for great tasks, so discontented with small ones:
* So weak in adversity, so swollen and self-satisfied in prosperity:
* So helpless apart from Thee, and yet so little willing to be bound to Thee.

O merciful heart of God, grant me yet again Thy forgiveness. Hear my sorrowful tale and in Thy great mercy blot it out from the book of Thy remembrance. Give me faith so to lay hold of Thine own holiness and so to rejoice in the righteousness of Christ my Saviour that, resting on His merits rather than my own, I may more and more become conformed to His likeness, my will becoming one with his in obedience to Thine. All this I ask for His holy name's sake. Amen.


Life Together - review

Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer is overview of what worship is to look like, both corporately and individually. This is a short read, and is rather helpful at times.

The Good - Bonhoeffer on community
Christianity means community through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ. No Christian community is more or less than this. Whether it be a brief, single encounter or the daily fellowship of years, Christian community is only this. We belong to one another only through and in Jesus Christ.

What does that mean? It means, first, that a Christian needs others because of Jesus Christ. It means, second, that a Christian comes to others only through Jesus Christ. It means, third, that in Jesus Christ we have been chosen from eternity, accepted in time, and united for eternity. (p 21)

My brother is rather that other person who has been redeemed by Christ, delivered from his sin, and called to faith and eternal life. Not what a man is in himself as a Christian, his spirituality and piety, constitutes the basis of our community. What determines our brotherhood is what that man is by reason of Christ. Our community with one another consists solely in what Christ has done to both of us. This is true not merely at the beginning, as though in the course of time something else were to be added to our community; it remains so for all the future and to all eternity. I have community with others and I shall continue to have it only through Jesus Christ. The more genuine and the deeper our community becomes, the more will everything else between us recede, the more clearly and purely will Jesus Christ and his work become the one and only thing that is vital between us. We have one another only through Christ, but through Christ we do have one another, wholly, and for all eternity. (p 26)

The Bad (for me at least) - Bonhoeffer on getting up early
With remarkable frequency the Scriptures remind us that the men of God rose early to seek God and carry out His commands, as did Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and Joshua (cf. Gen. 19:17, 22:3; Ex. 8:16, 9:13, 24:4; Josh. 3:1, 6:12, etc.). The Gospel, which never speaks a superfluous word, says of Jesus himself: "And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed" Mark 1:35). Some rise early because of restlessness and worry; the Scriptures call this unprofitable: "It is vain for you to rise up early ... to eat the bread of sorrows" (Ps. 127:2). But there is such a thing as rising early for the love of God. This was the practice of the men of the Bible. (p 44)

The Ugly (vs the 'attractiveness' of secular standards) - Bonhoeffer on authority
"Whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister" (Mark 10:43). Jesus made authority in the fellowship dependent upon the brotherly service. Genuine spiritual authority is to be found only where the ministry of hearing, helping, bearing, and proclaiming is carried out. Every cult of personality that emphasizes the distinguished qualities, virtues, and talents of another person, even though these be of an altogether spiritual nature, is worldly and has no place in Christian community. The desire we so often hear expressed today for "episcopal figures," "priestly men," "authoritative personalities" spring frequently enough from a spiritually sick need for the admiration of men, for the establishment of visible human authority, because the genuine authority of service appears to be so unimpressive. There is nothing that so sharply contradicts such a desire as the New Testament itself in its description of a bishop (1 Tim. 3:1 ff). One finds there nothing whatsoever with respect to worldly charm and the brilliant attributes of a spiritual personality. The bishop is the simple, faithful man, sound in faith and life, who rightly discharges his duties to the Church. His authority lies in the exercise of his ministry. In the man himself there is nothing to admire. (p 109)

All in all, this is a nice little book, although I have a few notable doctrinal differences. I especially liked the first chapter on community.


Cora saying 'mama' (well, kinda)

Here's Cora saying "mama" - or at least I like to think so.

For more Cora videos, check out this link or the one on the side of the page.


Leading Leaders - review

Leading Leaders by Jeswald W. Salacuse is about how to lead people who are leaders in their own right. The book provides good, but concise explanations, with chapter summaries, making it an easy read.

Salacuse begins by laying some groundwork as to the issue of leading people that are normally not used to being lead, people that are leaders or very skilled in their own right (like doctors, professors, executives, etc.). He isolates seven tasks the leader of leaders needs to confront:
1) Direction - How do you negotiate a vision for the organization that other leaders will buy into?

2) Integration - How do you make stars a team?

3) Mediation - How do you resolve conflicts over turf and power among other leaders so the organization can move forward?

4) Education - How do you educate people who think they are already educated?

5) Motivation - How do you move other leaders who already seem “to have everything” to do the right thing for the organization?

6) Representation - How do you lead your organization’s outside constituents while still leading leaders inside?

7) Trust Creation - How do you gain and keep other leaders’ trust, the vital capital that your own leadership depends on?
I appreciated the simplicity and clarity Salacuse gives on this issue. If you really want people on board, nothing supplants the hard work of spending time in personal interactions with others.

If you are short on time and see this in the library, you can just go to the chapter conclusions and have a good sense of this book. Sometimes that sort of simplicity is nice too.

This was an interesting tidbit:
Many languages, including French and Spanish, have no precise equivalent for the English words "leader" or "leadership." As a result, the English words for these terms have found their way into those languages. So French books and articles on politics and management often refer to "le leader" (p 20)
Sweet, I learned a French word without really learning any French.

Magary says, "Keep your Hebrew healthy."

Thoughts from Preaching the Old Testament, Keeping your Hebrew healthy by D. Magary.

Tips for retention:
We will propose strategies on two fronts. Strategies for review will address the importance of revisiting the fundamentals of the language, especially vocabulary and grammar. Strategies for use, or text-focused strategies, will speak to the importance of regular Hebrew use and engagement with the biblical Hebrew texts. (p 33)
Not the flash cards and the audio CD's again! It must be done, it must be done. Remember the alphabet song.

On the importance of using Hebrew:
The most important thing pastors and teachers do in any given week is communicate to people what God has said. The most sacred moments they spend in ministry are the moments in which they are proclaiming the Word of God-the most important words ever written! The man or woman who has the responsibility to communicate to others what God has said needs to know exactly what God has said! A challenge far greater than learning Hebrew is keeping it vital and healthy for use in lifelong ministry. The whole point of studying Hebrew and Greek in seminary is to be able to have direct access to the biblical text-the very foundation for Christian faith and practice-in the languages in which God's Word was originally written. (p 30)
Magary gives excellent, practical advice for his two pronged approach of review and use. He also really appeals to the importance of keeping your Hebrew up (or in my case, elevating it to acceptable levels). One final exhortation:
Everything in the text matters! Every word is important. Every structure reflects a choice that an author has made. Nothing is superfluous. Every component of the text has its function. Knowing how to navigate the Hebrew text by reading and understanding what is actually there makes the difference, at least for a pastor, between preaching the text and preaching the translation. As we have already noted, translators make hundreds of decisions, many of which affect the interpretation of the passage. If the only access one has to the biblical text is through a translation, what does one do where translations differ? (p 52)
This is a good word to not let your languages slide.


Romans 15 - why go?

i see
Originally uploaded by Jane Costa Lima.

Why go to places where Christ isn't proclaimed? Paul had this hope:

Those who have never been told of him will see,
and those who have never heard will understand.
Romans 15:21 (ESV) cf. Isaiah 52:15


This 'is' my body: sympathy for a former president

Bread & Wine
Originally uploaded by cas lad.
Since the question of what is meant by Jesus' words, "This is my body," was brought up during our Life Builders time, I thought this would be a good opportunity to take a more careful look at this debated statement. Without sounding too Clintonian, our first stop is to examine the word 'is'.

From Carson, Exegetical Fallacies, pp 57-58
Few words with broad semantic range cause more interpretive difficulties than the copula eimi (to be). Caird (Language and Imagery, p. 101) provides a useful list of what he calls the “main types” of copula usage in Greek:

a) Identity: “Is the law sin?” (Rom. 7:7)
b) Attribute: “No one is good except God alone.” (Mark 10:18)
c) Cause: “To be carnally minded is death.” (Rom. 8:6)
d) Resemblance: “The tongue is a fire.” (James 3:6)

This is very helpful and is obviously pertinent to any consideration of the four most disputed words in the Bible, “This is my body.” Several branches of Christendom treat “is” in the sentence as a statement of identity; but quite clearly the semantic range of “to be” is broad enough that identity cannot legitimately be presupposed: it must be argued. ... Caird proceeds to argue that the statement “this is my body” cannot be one of identity, because “Jesus cannot be supposed to have identified the bread in his hands with the living body of which those hands were part.” But if “body” in this instance has a slightly different referent that the body of which the hands are a part, then “is” is being used metaphorically, and all metaphors belong to class d.

To restate: if we agree with the various classifications of 'is' above, then unless Jesus is referring to the bread and wine in the same way he would refer to his hand, the 'is' must fall into category d. Even if you believe in transubstantiation, there is a difference in Jesus' physical body and communion elements: Christ's body contains both the accidents (form) of flesh and blood and the substance of flesh and blood, while the communion elements retain the accidents of the bread and wine. The argument in transubstantiation is whether the substance has changed. But the point is this: clearly there is a difference between Christ's blood and wine.

From the Catholic Encyclopedia (newadvent.org)
Finally, Transubstantiation differs from every other substantial conversion in this, that only the substance is converted into another — the accidents remaining the same — just as would be the case if wood were miraculously converted into iron, the substance of the iron remaining hidden under the external appearance of the wood.

Again, there is a difference between an iron bar and an iron bar that has all the appearances of wood. The 'is' in "This is my body" is in category d.


The Unity Factor - review

The Unity Factor by Larry Osborne is a book on having and maintaining unity in church leadership.

Osborne sets the stage:
When I arrived at the church, I was armed with books and ideas on growth, evangelism, and reaching the community. Unity was the last thing I was worried about. If you'd told me to slow down and focus on camaraderie and unity, I'd have chided you for your inward, even self-centered, approach to ministry. We had a world to conquer. But it soon became painfully obvious that we were never going to change the world out there when we couldn't get along in here. p. 11

Osborne gives some great advice on church leadership and cultivating unity. One of his better points is on training the church leadership. Purposely training leadership, helps makes their service a time of spiritual growth instead of a valley where they feel distant from God. Growing leaders think about what is best for the people, not lobbying for particular pet items. Osborne also helps the pastor to negotiate change, think about their compensation, get good feedback, and see their own church dynamic appropriately. This book really scratches where quite a few pastors and other leaders itch.

This was a good dose of practical insight that is helpful whether you are in a large or small church. He really injects some sanity into some very frustrating situations - for the pastor, for church leadership, and for the church.

The Reason for God - review

The Reason for God by Timothy Keller offers, as the title says, reason for belief in an age of skepticism. What I particularly like about this book is the focus not on the existence of some higher power, but that the Lord God of the Scriptures can be believed in and trusted. This is really an apologetic for Christianity and, more specifically, the Gospel.

The book goes in essentially two parts: answering objections and offering positive evidences. For the first half, Keller offers answers for: the exclusivity of Christianity, the problem of suffering, the moral strictness of Christianity, injustice caused by Christians, a good God sending people to hell, science disproving Christianity, and the trustworthiness of the Scripture. The second half offers reasons to believe in the Lord God: clues of God, knowledge of God, problem of sin, differences between 'religion' and the Gospel, the purpose of the cross, the reality of Jesus' resurrection, concluding with a brief summary and a some direction on where to go next.

As with Tim Keller's sermons, his insights into culture are penetrating and his application of the Gospel is pervasive. Here is an excerpt from the chapter on Religion and the Gospel:
Religion and the gospel also differ fundamentally in how they treat the Other - those who do not share one's own beliefs and practices. Postmodern thinkers understand that the self is formed and strengthened through the exclusion of the Other - those who do not have the values or traits on which I base my own significance. We define ourselves by pointing to those whom we are not. We bolster our sense of worth by devaluing those of other races, beliefs, and traits. This gospel identity gives us a new basis for harmonious and just social arrangements. A Christian's worth and value are not created by excluding anyone, but through the Lord who was excluded for me. His grace both humbles me more deeply than religion can (since I am too flawed to ever save myself through my own effort), yet it also affirms me more powerfully than religion can (since I can be absolutely certain of God's unconditional acceptance). p 181

As a Tim Keller fan, it comes as no surprise that I would highly recommend this book.

I also recommend visiting Steve McCoy's collection of articles and sermons of Tim Keller.


Robinson Crusoe (audio) - review

Robinson Crusoe
Originally uploaded by Dunechaser.
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is a novel about the adventures of a sailor that spent much of his time marooned on a deserted island.

Random comments:
* It is VERY detailed. Almost everything is fully described and then reflected upon.

* Action is foreshadowed and developed slowly.

* What I didn't realize that so much (or any!) of the story had to do with Crusoe's conversion to Christ.

* The reader had a slightly off beat cadence. You get used to it.

* This is the sort of book that makes a great audio book. Librivox rocks!

* After 13+ hrs of audio, I learned that there is a part two. I didn't feel angry or betrayed, but I certainly didn't feel happy. It was a bit surreal.

The Religious Affections (audio) - review

The Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards is a treatise on the nature of religion (religion used in a positive way), the heart, revival, true conversion, and the affections.

Note about audio books: This was a 15 hr audio reading that was one of the free monthly books on christianaudio.com. I like audio books when they are telling a story, but not as much when you need to listen (or read) carefully. Some may wonder why I listened to Edwards instead of reading him. I would have mush rather read Edwards than listened to him, but the car is not the place to read and so my choice was listen to him or not listen to him. And I would choose 'listen to him' all over again if I had to. (I do hope to read the book sometime too.)

A brief enticement to get us all to read the book:
The first foundation of the delight a true saint has in God, is his own perfection; and the first foundation of the delight he has in Christ, is his own beauty; he appears in himself the chief among ten thousand, and altogether lovely. The way of salvation by Christ is a delightful way to him, for the sweet and admirable manifestations of the divine perfections in it: the holy doctrines of the gospel, by which God is exalted and man abased, holiness honored and promoted, and sin greatly disgraced and discouraged, and free and sovereign love manifested, are glorious doctrines in his eyes, and sweet to his taste, prior to any conception of his interest in these things. Indeed the saints rejoice in their interest in God, and that Christ is theirs: and so they have great reason, but this is not the first spring of their joy. They first rejoice in God as glorious and excellent in himself, and then secondarily rejoice in it, that so glorious a God is theirs.—They first have their hearts filled with sweetness, from the view of Christ's excellency, and the excellency of his grace and the beauty of the way of salvation by him, and then they have a secondary joy in that so excellent a Savior, and such excellent grace are theirs.


Stop Dating the Church! - review

Stop Dating the Church!: Fall in Love with the Family of God by Joshua Harris shows Christ's love for His church and how we should love the church as well.

This book was rather helpful in addressing problems such as church-hopping, the importance of fellowship, and getting little out of our corporate worship times. It is short, begins each chapter with a solid illustration, and outlines the salient points in good fashion. Harris does help us to love the church more and to see how beautiful she really is.

It is worth noting, however, that if you come from an abusive or controlling religious environment, this book is addressing a laissez faire attitude towards church. Harris' chapter on "Choosing Your Church" is quite important and should not be skipped.

The Roots of Endurance - review

The Roots of Endurance by John Piper contains three short biographies of John Newton, Charles Simeon, and William Wilberforce.

This book is the product of Piper's biographical sketches from Desiring God's annual pastor's conference (John Newton, Charles Simeon, William Wilberforce). These biographies are different than a 'normal' biography in that Piper is always asking what drove these men. Some of the entertaining details are lightly addressed while personal writings are emphasized to show how these men saw their lives in light of the Sovereign Lord. Well worth either reading or listening to.

"For a nominal Christian is content with proving the way of salvation by a crucified Redeemer. But the true Christian loves it, delights in it, glories in it, and shudders at the very thought of glorying in anything else." - Charles Simeon (p 114)


The Word Became Fresh - review

The Word Became Fresh by Dale Ralph Davis is a guide for how to preach from Old Testament narrative sections (places like 1 & 2 Kings, Judges, parts of Exodus, etc.). Davis has an easy-going style to a topic that befuddles and frightens many would be expositors.

My opinion on this book is mixed. First the bad - it is hard (at least for me) to find a way forward in going from OT narrative to sermon from Davis. He tends to give some vague, general direction, provides a partial example, and then leaves it. There are portions where Davis seems more concerned about being humorous or provocative rather than helpful.

The good, but with some caveats:
(1) A strength of the book is the use of vivid (non-biblical) illustrations to highlight certain points. (While one could almost purchase this book his illustrations, I didn't, but it is a nice bonus.)

(2) Davis has a high view of Scripture that includes reading and preaching the text on it's own terms. Davis' example of Jael (Judges 4-5): Jael kills Sisera in a very deceptive way, but rather than condemning her actions, she is praised in the following chapter in Deborah's song. Therefore, while it may seem quite harsh, we must deal with her assassination of Sisera in a positive light (Judges 5:24-27) (pp 71-74).

(3) Davis does a good job of looking at specific passages and showing how he would preach parts of them. Unfortunately, he leaves most of the tension he creates unresolved, letting the reader wonder how to go forward.

(4) It is a nice read; Davis has an easy style that is very accessible.

(5) The section on Quirks (noticing features of the text) was short and quite helpful. Davis gives some big picture thoughts on specific books that are insightful too. There are good nuggets throughout the book, but again, they must be mined.

If you are looking for some real help on preaching OT narrative, I would suggest Steven Mathewson's The Art of Preaching Old Testament Narrative. Davis' book is a good primer or supplement, but not a one-stop book on the subject. Davis sums the book up nicely when, in explaining why he using Genesis 12 as the basis for his entire section on theology, says, "I'm writing the book and should be allowed to do what I want." (p 31) Indeed, he takes this liberty throughout. Also, this book could have used a Scripture reference at the end, since that would have emphasized the book's real strong point - Davis' own (albeit partial) expositions of particular texts. In the end, I would travel to hear Davis speak; I bet he is quite engaging. But adjust your expectations when you purchase this book.


Cora laughing

A short video of Cora laughing at some foil paper Carrie is crinkling. Hopefully we can all get some joy from watching a child and her innocent delights.

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22


Contrarian's Guide to Knowing God - review

Contrarian's Guide to Knowing God by Larry Osborne takes a hard look at what disciple is and (especially) isn't.

Here are some of the issues Osborne goes after:
* Does being a disciple mean being smart and well read?
* How relationships are different and we all don't relate to the Lord in the exact same way?
* How two people can be totally different and still please God.
* Is it a sin to be average?
* The linear model for growth doesn't fit everybody.
* Why be in a small group? (His thought on connectivity was excellent!)
* The dimmer switch principle: obeying the light we have.
* Trusting Holy Spirit to work in us.
* How God uses unlikely people.
* Can faith and doubt co-exist?
* What is zeal and how important is it?
* Why extra rules undercut true growth.
* How Best Practices can be a curse.
* Projecting your gift on everyone else (and why that's bad).
* How important is balance? (hint: it's not)
* Not trusting inner peace, results, or failure.
* The danger of turning tools into rules.
* The Potential trap.
* Overrated accountability groups meet glass house living.
* Not putting God as our number one priority (He's in the middle of every priority.)

Osborne bring quite a bit of balance to well-meaning, but often hurtful models and advice. The talks I heard at a conference were an overview of his book. While I appreciated much of what he said, I would have liked more of a way forward. There are a couple of friends that I hope to discuss this book with that would be able to give some perspective on how we view growth at our own church.