The Church at the End of the Twentieth Century by Francis Schaeffer gives thoughts and concerns for the church as it approaches the year 2000. It was an interesting book since (1) I could see how some of Schaeffer's insights have come to pass and (2) I read it in Kenya where some of Schaeffer's concerns were all the more poignant (and others seemingly irrelevant). While much of Schaeffer's book focused on liberalism and the demise of truth, here is a sampling of a few other issues that he touches on.
Concerning hypocrisy: "Gauguin tried to find the ideal in Tahiti, while his family starved in Europe. ... Rousseau wrote on raising children while his own children were institutionalized." (p. 17)
Concerning the church and political alliances: "We should be political co-belligerents not allies." (p 38)
Concerning conservatism: "One of the greatest injustices we do to our young people is to ask them to be conservative and not revolutionary." (p 78)
Concerning flags: "Does two flags in your church mean that Christianity and the American establishment are equal? ... These are not two equal loyalties. Caesar is second to God. Patriotic loyalty must not be identified with Christianity." (p 79)
Concerning hospitality: "Open your home." (p 100)
Concerning denominational splits: "Those who come out tend to be hard and absolutist. ... Those that stay in tend towards liberalism." (p 151)
Concerning Christian absolutes: "Christian doctrine lays down a circle with freedom to move and not a point." (p 158) He goes on, however to call the edge of a circle a cliff that we must never fall off of.
Concerning history: "The historic fall is not an interpretation; it is a brute fact." (p 166)
This being my first Schaeffer book, I was surprised to see how much his tone (as much as you can read tone from a book) shifts on the different subjects he addresses. I enjoyed the book and look forward to more; he is quite thoughtful. If you want to stay on his good side, however, don't kick people out of a church service for wearing jeans.
I've only just stumbled onto this blog (through a Schaeffer Google search) - I liked reading the selected quotes. I've found Schaeffer (as long-winded as he can be sometimes) to be a rich mine for short quotes.
I'm curious, how did your time in Kenya specifically affect your reading?
Two observations on Schaeffer while being in Kenya (before I head to supper):
(1) To see and hear about the formalism in some of the Kenyan churches and to see how the pastors are reacting (esp. clothing and worship styles). Sounded like a real struggle that the American church faced/ is coming out of in some degrees. I am sure Schaeffer's message to Kenya would be the same as it was to the US: who cares about clothes?!
(2) To note the widespread acceptance of Biblical higher-criticism in the US churches and yet to see a more evangelical view of the Scriptures in Kenya. I had only speculations as to why. What would Schaeffer see for Kenya? Would it be the same as what he saw for the US?
Those are some quick thoughts - thanks for the question!
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