
Dynamics of Spiritual Life: An Evangelical Theology of Renewal - review

Dynamics of Spiritual Life: An Evangelical Theology of Renewal by Richard F. Lovelace gives a historical and biblical look at what Spiritual life (or Spiritual renewal) looks like.

The book is divided into two major sections. First is the section on the dynamics of renewal demonstrating historical revivals, biblical models, and vital elements found in continuous renewal. Secondly, Lovelace describes what this looks like in the church: sanctification, orthodox doctrine, evangelism, social concern, and discernment on false renewal.

Concerning justification: "Many have so light an apprehension of God's holiness and the extent and guilt of their sin that consciously they see little need for justification, although below the surface of their lives they are deeply guilt-ridden and insecure. Many others have a theoretical commitment to this doctrine but in their day-to-day existence they rely on their sanctification for justification." (p 101)

Concerning the Puritan move to America: "Most American Puritans in the late seventeenth century seem to have been caught up in either of two forms of self-absorption: those who were seriously religious were urgently concerned to establish their regeneracy and grow in personal holiness, and those who were only formally pious were mesmerized by their interest in land and business. Edmund Morgan has suggested that the predominant motive of the Puritans in moving to America was not mission but the preservation of godly family dynasties." (p 149)

Concerning the perception of younger evangelicals: "From their perspective, both 'liberals' and 'conservatives' have simply given lip service to the rather costly demands of Christian social involvement. The numerical growth of 'born again' religion in what we have described as a potential great awakening strikes them as an almost blasphemous irony considering the depth of unmet social need in America." (p 357)

This book came recommended to me by a good friend and pastoral mentor, Al Lewis, and I heard Tim Keller reference this work several times in his messages. The impact of this book must have been keenly felt years ago; it may be time to bring back this classic.

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