
What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur'an - A History of Islam & the United States - review

What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur'an - A History of Islam & the United States by William J. Federer attempts to give an overview of Islam, the Qur'an, and how it impacts the US. This book was given for me to read by a good friend. Even though I respect this person a great deal, the book was a disappointment in several areas.

This book was more a grouping of certain facts, quotes, and comments rather than having any sort of real story/argument to pull you along. Chapters were really general headings to these chucks of text and paragraphs were either a quote or a simple statement.

Much of the book was bits of information that were loosely pieced together, often lacking connection to the larger argument. References were wanting at times - the author several times referred to (even printed portions of!) Wikipedia for support. Many times a real argument wasn't made, statements were made but not interpreted, and some references were unnecessarily long. At times I struggled to even see how the evidence supported the greater point/chapter heading.

I think the book was trying to make us concerned about Islam as Americans and as Christians. Much of what was stated was not compelling or incomplete. As a Christian, you really have to make me understand why Thomas Jefferson's statements are relevant. As an American, you have to do the same. There was a tightness that was assumed between Christianity and being an American that makes me uncomfortable. Plus, even if your case is made, so what? I felt the implied application is hand-wringing and fear.

There is much to assess concerning Islam and while this book has nuggets, there needs to be a better, more coherent presentation of the salient issues and then what are the implications. Because of the issues mentioned earlier, I would want to consult another source before trusting in the veracity of Federer's collage of information.

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