
Good to Great and the Social Sectors - review

Good to Great and the Social Sectors by Jim Collins is an addendum to his larger work Good to Great. This is a short (35 page) monograph that bridges the gap from the business sector to the social sector.

On leadership:
Level 5 (the highest) leadership is not about being "soft" or "nice" or purely "inclusive" or "consensus-building." The whole point of Level 5 is to make sure the right decisions happen - no matter how difficult or painful - for the long term greatness of the institution and the achievment of its mission, independent of consensus or popularity.

On assessment:
It doesn't really matter whether you can quantify your results. What matters is that you rigorously assemble evidence - quantitative or qualitative - to track your progress. If the evidence is primarily qualitative, think like a trial lawyer assembling the combined body of evidence. If the evidence is primarily quantitative, then think of yourself as a laboratory scientist assembling and assessing the data.

While there are certainly some filters one must put in place, there are some helpful thoughts to distill from Collins. And the brevity means that you get right to the point and can assess his arguments with greater ease.

1 comment:

matt said...

I am considering taking part of this class next June 1-5. I can take it for credit, but it is available to other pastor's too.
Would you be interested in attending too?

For more information on the TACT program, go to the following link http://tactprogram.rhma.org/
Dates for summer 2009 are June 1-5 and you can see a general syllabus for the course Leading the Town and Country Church (look under TACT Classes, then click on Leading the Town and Country Church syllabus) to get an idea of what the experience covers.

