
Magary says, "Keep your Hebrew healthy."

Thoughts from Preaching the Old Testament, Keeping your Hebrew healthy by D. Magary.

Tips for retention:
We will propose strategies on two fronts. Strategies for review will address the importance of revisiting the fundamentals of the language, especially vocabulary and grammar. Strategies for use, or text-focused strategies, will speak to the importance of regular Hebrew use and engagement with the biblical Hebrew texts. (p 33)
Not the flash cards and the audio CD's again! It must be done, it must be done. Remember the alphabet song.

On the importance of using Hebrew:
The most important thing pastors and teachers do in any given week is communicate to people what God has said. The most sacred moments they spend in ministry are the moments in which they are proclaiming the Word of God-the most important words ever written! The man or woman who has the responsibility to communicate to others what God has said needs to know exactly what God has said! A challenge far greater than learning Hebrew is keeping it vital and healthy for use in lifelong ministry. The whole point of studying Hebrew and Greek in seminary is to be able to have direct access to the biblical text-the very foundation for Christian faith and practice-in the languages in which God's Word was originally written. (p 30)
Magary gives excellent, practical advice for his two pronged approach of review and use. He also really appeals to the importance of keeping your Hebrew up (or in my case, elevating it to acceptable levels). One final exhortation:
Everything in the text matters! Every word is important. Every structure reflects a choice that an author has made. Nothing is superfluous. Every component of the text has its function. Knowing how to navigate the Hebrew text by reading and understanding what is actually there makes the difference, at least for a pastor, between preaching the text and preaching the translation. As we have already noted, translators make hundreds of decisions, many of which affect the interpretation of the passage. If the only access one has to the biblical text is through a translation, what does one do where translations differ? (p 52)
This is a good word to not let your languages slide.

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