book reviews, articles of interest, and other random things
2 Chronicles 34 - Perseverance before disaster
2 Chronicles 33 - Manasseh the humble?
2 Chronicles 32 - You don't mess around with the Lord
This passage is like watching a suspenseful movie: the bad guy always puts the good guy in a "death trap" that will slowly kill him by some unique means (like being lowered into a pit of piranhas). The good guy, of course, escapes and saves the day. But this is real life and we are not sure if Hezekiah's tale will end in movie-like fashion. We have actually seen this story before - it is quite similar to David and Goliath. Sennacherib (through his servants) makes the following 'battle' a spiritual one; it is your god against my god. But he has messed with the wrong god - this god is the Lord God, those other gods were not gods at all. We are often overwhelmed at the progress certain philosophies make into our lives. We see them as unstoppable forces that cannot be turned, but yet our God has the victory time and time again. We see systems that refuse to acknowledge the lordship of Jesus and we see them fall. This is a predictable pattern throughout history - if you fight God you will lose. I like the T-shirt that says on the front - "'God is dead.' - Nietzsche" but on the back it says, "'Nietzsche is dead.' - God."
2 Chronicles 31 – Leading by example
It is easy to say, "Give, give" and then see how people respond before you actually give. But Hezekiah gave out of his own possessions (2 Chrn 31:3-5) before he issued the command for other people. As one who admonishes people weekly, it is important that I be doing the very things I am asking other people to do. It only makes sense. While yes, the people should have been giving to the Temple, and yes, they should have been offering sacrifices regardless of what the king is doing, but the king should have been doing this as well. Hezekiah is not playing the "I'll do it if you go first" game; he is working through his own heart first and then 'inviting' (read: ordering, he is the king after all) others to join him.
2 Chronicles 30 – Holding off the party
Hezekiah, a righteous king of Judah, decides to hold off celebrating the Passover for a month since the priests were not consecrated for the task (2 Chrn 30:2-4). Could you imagine not have an Easter service because members of the music team were not spiritually prepared to participate in the service? Two things need to be noted. First, Jesus is the one who consecrates us so; he is our perfect high priest. His sacrifice is good for all time for us to be presented blamelessly before the Lord our God. Second, this shows us the level of concern we should have with holiness. Yes, Jesus justifies us, but the process of holiness in our lives (often called sanctification) is continually being worked out as we follow Christ. Like Jesus, we are to be holy (1 Peter 1:13-16), and this is a very important part of our lives – especially since we are now under the blood and justified. We are changed people!
2 Chronicles 26 – Pride of Uzziah
When we have a taste of success, we think we can do anything. Maybe that is why we see movie stars and athletes in real-life roles that seem unusual. Acknowledging our own boundaries and limits is very difficult. If we have success in one area, then why wouldn’t we have success in another? If I know a bunch about business, why wouldn’t I be able to meaningfully contribute to any other situation? If I am at the top of my game, I should be able to do whatever I want. I demand respect, an audience, the ability to do what others are doing, for me to make suggestions and they be kept, etc.
2 Chronicles 24 – A mild case of forgetfulness
Thus Joash the king did not remember the kindness that Jehoiada, Zechariah's father, had shown him, but killed his son. And when he was dying, he said, "May the LORD see and avenge!" At the end of the year the army of the Syrians came up against Joash. They came to Judah and Jerusalem and destroyed all the princes of the people from among the people and sent all their spoil to the king of Damascus. Though the army of the Syrians had come with few men, the LORD delivered into their hand a very great army, because Judah had forsaken the LORD, the God of their fathers. Thus they executed judgment on Joash. When they had departed from him, leaving him severely wounded, his servants conspired against him because of the blood of the son of Jehoiada the priest, and killed him on his bed. So he died, and they buried him in the city of David, but they did not bury him in the tombs of the kings. – 2 Chrn 24:22-25 (ESV)
Oh Joash! How far you have fallen! This is a grim reminder for us to persevere or we too could forget about following the Lord and turn towards dastardly deeds. This story is so sad – Jehoiada risked so much to save this boy and trained him up in the way of the Lord (2 Chrn 24:2). Now his own son is killed by him. The key for us is that God will avenge; the Lord will not let evil be unaccounted for. We must realize that it is not our place to take revenge for the wrongs done to us. But vengeance will come from the Lord, who loves justice and is powerful to save.
2 Chronicles 22-23 – The company we keep
But Jehoshabeath, the daughter of the king, took Joash the son of Ahaziah and stole him away from among the king's sons who were about to be put to death, and she put him and his nurse in a bedroom. Thus Jehoshabeath, the daughter of King Jehoram and wife of Jehoiada the priest, because she was a sister of Ahaziah, hid him from Athaliah, so that she did not put him to death. And he remained with them six years, hidden in the house of God, while Athaliah reigned over the land. – 2 Chrn 22:11-12 (ESV)
Two kings, Ahaziah and Joash, are both affected by those around them. For Ahaziah, his downfall was his association with the house of Ahab (2 Chrn 22:7). But for Joash, his training came under the faithful guidance of Jehoiada the priest. There is even a follow up verse showing Jehoiada’s influence: 2 Chrn 24:2 (ESV) – Joash did what was right in the eyes of the LORD all the days of Jehoiada the priest. Who influences us? Who are we being mentored by? What we turn our ears toward may strengthen our faithfulness to the Lord or it may be our undoing.
2 Chronicles 19-20 – Turning the tables
And when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who were to sing to the LORD and praise him in holy attire, as they went before the army, and say,
"Give thanks to the LORD, for his steadfast love endures forever."
And when they began to sing and praise, the LORD set an ambush against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah, so that they were routed. – 2 Chrn 20:21-22 (ESV)
Jehoshaphat is faced with a large opposing army. He doesn’t make light of the force arrayed against him, but he does turn to the Lord. Then the Lord works while the people are praising Him (v 20:21-22). When they go to spy on the opposing force, they see only dead bodies, ready to loot. This is what God does; he turns the tables on our circumstances. The Lord works at this from both sides: God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
2 Chronicles 17 - Doing some things right
2 Chronicles 16 – The mistrust of Asa
For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. – Romans 14:23b (ESV)
Ramah, a city within Judah and just north of Jerusalem, is being fortified by king Baasha of Israel. Asa, being very concerned, calls on a northern nation, Syria, to invade Israel so they will quit fortifying Ramah. Israel responds by shifting their efforts in the south and moving their materials and men to the north. Sounds like a good plan right? Wrong. By His former actions (chs 14-15), God has shown Asa that He will defend His nation and His name if Asa would merely trust Him. The tragic proclamation by Hanani the seer (2 Chrn 16:9) angers Asa and he lives the rest of his life in bitterness. Our hearts are to be the Lord’s. Even in actions that may not seem sinful, we know when we are not trusting in the Lord. Paul even shows how this principle applies to our eating habits (Rom 14)! While we need to be slow to condemn others in more grey areas, we also need to be careful of approving methods for ourselves just because someone else can do it. Calling for help is not in and of itself a bad thing, but here was an opportunity for Asa to trust the Lord and he did not do it.
Note the location of:
2 Chronicles 14-15 – The courage of Asa
Asa is a good king that has a series of courageous deeds. First, he goes against an army of one million Ethiopians and succeeds (2 Chrn 14:9-15). Secondly, he has the courage to remove the idols in the land of Judah (2 Chrn 15:1-15). Idols were not just a religious preference, but their worship was a way of life. It would be akin to Asa taking all of our TV sets or credit cards. Finally, Asa confronts his own mother about her idols (2 Chrn 15:16). She is dethroned as Queen Mother and her items were burned. We need to grow in our courage, like king Asa. We see the Lord work in our lives, but then we become fearful. Asa (at least in chs 14 & 15) shows a progressive courage that leads him to be able to do the right thing, even if it involved his own mother.
2 Chronicles 13 – An opportunity to return
The kingdom has been split by a greedy king Rehoboam. Even though Rehoboam was in the wrong, the new Israelite king, Jeroboam, sets up an abomination – two golden calves for the people of Israel to worship. Now Rehoboam’s son, Abijah (means my father is the Lord), tries to compel Jeroboam to come back to the kingdom. Abijah ultimately conquered Jeroboam, but the problem of separation remained. Bethel is conquered (the city of the southern idol) but yet there is no mention of a real movement back the Judah. This is the same sad story people today face – God has come and provided a way out of rebellion, but they still continue to rebel. Our hearts need to be sensitive to returning to Him. God often conquers an area in our lives by providing a means of escape, but we still must choose to go to Him.
2 Chronicles 7 – Goodness of God
As soon as Solomon finished his prayer, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the LORD filled the temple. And the priests could not enter the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD filled the LORD's house. When all the people of Israel saw the fire come down and the glory of the LORD on the temple, they bowed down with their faces to the ground on the pavement and worshiped and gave thanks to the LORD, saying, "For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever." – 2 Chrn 7:1-3 (ESV)
So you are at a pivotal dedication and at the end, fire falls from heaven and the glory of the Lord fills the place. What would your response be? Worship – sure, praise – of course, but what would you actually say? Great is the Lord! Mighty are His deeds! I guess I am a bit surprised that the people responded with, "For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever." This phrase reminds us of Psalm 136 that repeats the refrain, "For his steadfast love endures forever." The response is often said after a great exploit of the Lord, a mighty show of His power. Many times we separate the Lord's power from His steadfast love. Here the nation and the psalmist make the correct connection between the Lord's involvement in the world and His steadfast love.
2 Chronicles 6 – Dwelling place of God
2 Chronicles 2 – Being a blessing to others
Many people go through their days just surviving, well, surviving and trying to satisfy their desires. If we want more money, it's so we can have better homes and cars. If we want to improve ourselves, it's so that we can superiority over other people we know. If we want to do good, it's so we can have recognition. I feel that we can miss out on an excellent reason for self-improvement – to serve others. Solomon had a 'self-improvement' opportunity with the Lord; the Lord blessed him with wisdom. This 'new and improved' Solomon was the result of the Lord's love for His people. The Lord wanted Solomon to use wisdom to govern the people because the Lord loved Israel. All of our gifts are from God; we should have the mind to serve others with them.
1 Chronicles 28 – Duping the Lord
"And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever. Be careful now, for the LORD has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong and do it." - 1 Chrn 28:9-10
Have you ever been caught up in a bad situation but you genuinely were not seeking to do something wrong? Maybe you see or hear something you shouldn't, but you remove yourself immediately. Now, have you ever sought out a bad situation, but went to lengths to make it look like an 'accidental' occurrence? The point is, whether on a big or small scale, God knows our hearts and intentions. God not only sees everything, but He knows our thoughts and plans. In short, God cannot be tricked. We can fool other and we can even dupe ourselves, but the Lord knows what is really going on. Make no mistake, following Christ means a moral conformity to His character; we call this growth sanctification. While the Bible says "don't," it also says "do." This short passage shows pragmatically all of the available options. [1] You can decide to not follow the Lord. God knows your true thoughts regardless what your actions say (v. 9), and if you choose to forsake Him, you will be forever cast off (v. 9). [2] You can decide to follow the Lord. This is what is best (at least from David's point of view) (v. 9), and he rewards those who earnestly seek Him (v. 9 and Heb 11:6). Not only that, but He has a plan for you, that will require purpose and determination. We can emphasize the "don't" at the price of the "do." For Solomon there is something to aspire to, a task that is worthy of a life – to build the Lord a house (v. 10). Our assigned tasks from God are worthy of our lives as well. Therefore our encouragement is the same – be strong and do it!
1 Chronicles 26 - The family you always wanted
1 Chronicles 24-25 – Sign up to be in the choir
1 Chronicles 23 – Personal effect
Do we look at our own performance and get discouraged? Even if certain things are out of our control, do we feel the pressure that we didn’t add up? How about in evangelism – we share and share but see little fruit. In a time when legacy is so important, one of the sons of Moses, Eliezer, has only one son. But the next line, ‘but the sons of Rehabiah were very many,’ does not seem necessary, since Gershom has only one son listed as well. The point is that God is in charge of His legacy; He is responsible for His people. Yes, we are to share our faith and yes, we are to be active in pursuing those who don’t know Jesus, but the response is up to God. Just as the people of the OT weren’t to use other methods in securing their lineage (ex: having a child through another woman), we aren’t to use methods that manipulate or coerce people into a ‘profession of faith.’ The Lord is in control of His heritage; He will see that people get saved. Our job is to be faithful proclaimers of the Good News.
1 Chronicles 22 – Preparing for another
Note: I was away from the computer for a while so the previous posts were backdated.
1 Chronicles 21 – Everyone is disgusted but us
1 Chronicles 19-20 – Rabbah: the story swallowed by a bigger story
1 Chronicles 18 – The Lord gave victory
1 Chronicles 17 – Who is like you, O LORD?
There is none like you, O LORD, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears. And who is like your people Israel, the one nation on earth whom God went to redeem to be his people, making for yourself a name for great and awesome things, in driving out nations before your people whom you redeemed from Egypt? – 1 Chronicles 17:20-21 (ESV)
Whether it is the issue of the ark being separated from the tabernacle or his own desire for God's glory, David wants to build the Lord a house. The Lord, though, responds to this in several ways. First, David's son will build the house, not David. Secondly, God will build David a house, that is, a kingdom ruled by his offspring. Here we see the character of God. God does not need our efforts; He is fully capable of taking care of Himself. However, God does use us and wants to establish His greatness through us.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. – 1 Peter 2:9-10 (ESV)
1 Chronicles 16 – It’s just the same old Psalm
In 1 Chrn 16, David appoints Asaph and his crew to sing a song of thanks for the ark of God being brought to Jerusalem. While this does present an interesting worship scenario (with the ark being in Jerusalem while the Tabernacle set up in Nob, ref. 1 Sam 21), the song of thanks is a grouping of several Psalms. The order is as follows: 1 Chrn. 16:8-22 = Psalm 105:1-15; 1 Chrn. 16:23-33 = Psalm 96; and 1 Chrn. 16:34-36 = Psalm 106:1, 47-48. All of these Psalms come from Book Four of the Psalms, a small book that only has 17 Psalms. What is intriguing about Book Four is that the Psalms prominently feature Moses, they exclaim the praise of Yahweh, and they tend to emphasize the reign of Yahweh. These features are especially true in the compilation that David has instructed the song leaders to sing. Ps. 105 is a history of the exile out of Egypt, Ps. 96 (v. 10) exclaims the reign of the Lord, and Ps. 106 is a praise to the Lord for this deliverance and rule (and note, this is the final Psalm of the book).
So what is being sung? First, the song in 1 Chrn. 16 praises the Lord for bringing them out of Egypt. Second, the song declares that the Lord is king. Finally, the song announces praises for the Lord – for His deliverance and for His rule. This is our song!! Christ has delivered us from sin and death and now He is our King. This should result in our praise and thanks to Him! David's song of thanks is our song of thanks, because God has completed what He was doing through the lives of Moses and David in Christ. David and Moses merely pointed to God's saving and ruling acts in Christ Jesus. Sing 1 Chrn 16 boldly – for this is in our hymn book as well.
1 Chronicles 9:1 – With the end in mind
So all Israel was recorded in genealogies, and these are written in the Book of the Kings of Israel. And Judah was taken into exile in Babylon because of their breach of faith. – 1 Chrn 9:1 (ESV)
The books of 1 & 2 Chronicles know that the kingdom of Israel and Judah will end. This is important to note – the author (or at least the final reviewer) can more accurately weigh the relative merits of each regime. Obviously, this is done with the Spirit's guidance, but the Spirit's insights are not different from what we would expect from what is revealed to us elsewhere in the Bible. If a king conducts great building projects, expands the borders, averts disaster from rival nations, has a long reign, and leads his people to victory in battle, but he does not obey and worship the Lord God, his rule is detestable in the eyes of God.
1 Chronicles 8 - Genealogy of Saul
1 Chronicles 1 & 2 - More than a name
Stories we already know:
Now Er, Judah's firstborn, was evil in the sight of the Lord, and he put him to death. - 1 Chrn 2:3b (ESV)
The son of Carmi: Achan, the troubler of Israel, who broke faith in the matter of the devoted thing - 1 Chrn 2:7 (ESV)
Stories where we don't have much information:
And Segub fathered Jair, who had twenty-three cities in the land of Gilead. But Geshur and Aram took from them Havvoth-jair, Kenath, and its villages, sixty towns. All these were descendants of Machir, the father of Gilead. After the death of Hezron, Caleb went in to Ephrathah, the wife of Hezron his father, and she bore him Ashhur, the father of Tekoa. - 1 Chrn 2:22-24 (ESV)
The question is - would you want an annotation next to your name? While many of us may think 'yes', I may be a bit more hesitant. Most of the notes in the genealogy are reminders of foul deeds or circumstances that are far from normal. So what would be important in a genealogy if it isn't individual notoriety? Being in the right one. How can we change our ancestry? Through Christ, we are Abraham's children; through Christ, we are grafted into this tree; through Christ, we are born again; through Christ, we are in the right genealogy. Jesus makes the genealogy ours, even if our mitochondrial DNA says otherwise.
2 Kings 25 - Are we to hope?
2 Kings 24 - Babylon has come
There is a superpower on the scene - Babylon. Having conquered the key Assyrian city of Nineveh seven years earlier (~612 BC), Babylon exerts its influence over the small nation of Judah. Why did this happen? Was it because of the economic and political policies of the time? Was Judah simply located in an unfortunate geographical position? No - Judah had turned away from God and the sins of Manasseh had to be accounted for. The Lord's mercy is not for the 'nation,' but for the people of that nation. Judah has had a string of evil kings and the Lord will not tolerate anymore internal persecution to His people. A painful solution? Yes. But the Lord is still in control and, as we will see, He will bring Babylon to their knees before Him.
2 Kings 23 - The golden calf
2 Kings 22 – A sudden discovery
2 Kings 21 - Starting down the slippery slope
The Asherah and other gods are being worshiped in the very place that God put His name. Manassah has spurned the glory of the Lord and has replaced it with wooden statues, mediums, and fortune-telling. I want to shake Manassah and ask him what in the world he is doing, but I realize that I too exchange the glory of God for lesser things. When I covet or lust or get unrighteously angry, I defy the character of God and replace something glorious with something shameful and despicable.
2 Kings 20 - Legacy schmegacy
2 Kings 18 – Making it personal
Several years after Shalmaneser captured Israel, Sennacherib, his successor, invades Judah. Sennacherib captures Lachish (in Judah), a siege that is well documented by the Assyrians (see pictures below). With all their power and might, the Assyrians feel so confident in their victory over Judah that the Assyrian representative, Rebshakeh, declares (in Jerusalem no less!) that the Lord cannot save Judah. This reminds me of when David accepted Goliath's challenge to fight and Goliath cursed David by his gods (1 Sam 17:43). Both Goliath and Rebshakeh made it personal between their army and the Lord. While, yes, we need to be ready to answer for our hope in Christ (1 Peter 3:15) and even defend the Lord with apologetics, but realize that our God will take care of His name. Our response should be loyalty and faithfulness to Him.
Siege of Lachish
This relief is depicting Assyrian archers assaulting the men on the walls.
These guys are launching stones using large slingshots.
The report of the battle being given to Sennacherib.
Lachish prisoners of war (Jews) - Note the difference in their clothes
Assyrians were infamous for their horrific treatment of those they conquered. While some were deported to foreign lands, others were tortured and executed in terrible fashion.
Here are the remains of the siege ramp built by the Assyrians to scale the fortified walls of Lachish. Note the person in the left-hand corner for scale.
2 Kings 17 – The new people don’t like the lions
So they feared the LORD but also served their own gods, after the manner of the nations from among whom they had been carried away. – 2 Kings 17:33 (ESV)
With the deportation of Israel, Assyria now plants other people in the cities of Samaria. Since these new people did not fear the Lord, lions were sent to kill some of the people. The Assyrian government tries to solve the problem by having a priest of the Lord go back so the people can learn about the 'law of the god of this land' (2 Kings 17:27). As you might have guessed, the people quasi-feared the Lord but they still served their other gods. Syncretism does not please God anymore than outright idol worship. This is such a dangerous trap for us to fall into – we try to make God into something that occasionally challenges us, but by and large, we want Him merely to endorse what we are already doing and thinking.
2 Kings 17 – A sad day for Israel
Hoshea is captured by Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, due to potential alliances with Egypt (an enemy of Assyria) and for a failure to provide the required tribute. This leads to Assyria capturing the capital city of Samaria and deporting the people to various regions in the Assyrian empire. Israel is no longer a nation and the narrator comments as to why this happened:
And they abandoned all the commandments of the LORD their God, and made for themselves metal images of two calves; and they made an Asherah and worshiped all the host of heaven and served Baal. And they burned their sons and their daughters as offerings and used divination and omens and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking him to anger. Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel and removed them out of his sight. None was left but the tribe of Judah only. – 2 Kings 17:16-18 (ESV)
While there are dangers of correlating disaster and oppression with particular conduct (like hurricane Katrina, etc), the flip side of the coin is that God does act against sin and wickedness. These two golden calves have been a stumbling block for Israel since their inception as a nation distinct from Judah. This particular abomination, referred to as the sin of Jeroboam son of Nebat, has not been taken care of throughout Israel’s history. As God’s people, we cannot just go on doing what we want and worshiping the Lord in any manner that we see fit. This was demonstrated in the life of Ahaz (2 Kings 16) not to mention all the other kings who overstepped their authority. In our rebelliousness, we want to be king and domesticate God. God will not bow to our whims, our stubbornness, or our selfishness. He is the Lord Almighty.
2 Kings 16 – Upgrading the ol’ Temple
Ahaz, a very evil king of Judah (even sacrificing his own son – 16:3), sees an altar in Damascus that is very impressive to him. Immediately he sent orders to his priest, Uriah, for a copy this altar to be built in Jerusalem. This 'great altar' replaces the bronze altar for all the sweet aroma sacrifices made to the Lord. The bronze altar is moved from the entrance to the Temple on the west side to the north side of the Temple. The bronze altar is now to be used for 'special inquires' by Ahaz (read: divinations). If we are not following the Lord, we can be convinced to do some of the most outrageous things. As we read this story, we know that what Ahaz is doing is very wrong, yet he goes on and does it anyway. There are things that the Lord explicitly tells his people to do, and yet, some manage to worm their way around them and not think much about it. Recently there was a bishop of a particular branch of the Lutheran church who advocated the practices of polygamy and homosexuality "provided they promote the cause of the Gospel." Likewise, Ahaz probably thought that God would be impressed with this new altar and he maybe thought that God would give him special wisdom now that there was an altar dedicated for that very task. We need to be careful to know the Lord (Joshua 23:11) otherwise our worship will be idolatrous, because we are doing the very things that the Lord despises.
2 Kings 15 – Building a country but not a legacy
Jeroboam II and Uzziah had a great deal of land under their control. Not only were their reigns long, but they did several great projects and kept the land safe from invasions. For all that Jeroboam had done, he could not secure a kingdom for his son, Zechariah, who lasted only six months. The time after Jeroboam’s reign is characterized by revolt, assassinations, and oppression from foreign invaders. As for Uzziah, the object of note in his biography is that the Lord touched him so that he had leprosy. We see two ‘successful’ kings who are either quickly forgotten or infamously remembered. What will we be remembered for? Are the accolades of the day enough or do we want something more? We don’t want to build up our personal empires, but instead we should work towards things that matter more – objects of eternal consequence.
2 Kings 14 - Humiliation
2 Kings 13 – Victory from nothing
What can the Lord not do? Is there any circumstance outside of His control? Is there any obstacle that is too insurmountable? We see that when Jehoahaz was king, the Syrians reduced the Israelite army to nearly nothing. However, when his son, Joash, reigned in Israel, he defeated the Syrians three times, taking back important cities that they had claimed. The difference: the Lord's arrow of victory (13:17) – The Lord was the one who was going to get the victory for Israel. How often do we rely on our strength of arms or wilt because of our lack of strength? Regardless of scarcity or plenty, we need our Lord.
2 Kings 10 – Jehonadab: “Jehu’s friend” OR “One of the few people left alive in Israel”
The coming of Jehu to the throne means the death of many people: Ahab's descendants, Ahab's followers in Jezreel, Ahab's follower's in Samaria, Ahaziah's relatives, and all the Baal prophets. In the midst of the carnage, Jehu makes a friend, Jehonadab the son of Rechab, who helps Jehu identify any followers of the Lord in the service of Baal. In Jeremiah 35, Jehonadab's descendants are known for their obedience to a set of rules that Jehonadab set up. The Lord notes that while Jehonadab's descendants followed his rules even in spite of persecution, His people have disobeyed Him. The point: while it seems that Jehonadab is a worthy fellow, am I more committed to the teaching of a great person or to the Lord? Even if some person says something great or says something memorable, how much more should I remember and obey what the Lord says!
2 Kings 9 – Friends of bad people
Friends, they are a great thing to have. But if you are powerful and particularly evil, your friends may be unreliable at best and your servants may quickly turn on you. The account of Jehu provides an interesting contrast to David. With Jehu's victims, the trusted servants and friends of Joram, Ahaziah, and Jezebel all leave them. David's servants were loyal and looked out for his well-being over their own. It is interesting how quickly the tide turned in Jehu's favor – the men quickly anointed him as king, the riders did not warn the king of Jehu's approach, the eunuchs threw Jezebel out the window. The Lord can cause even a well-established regime to crumble in seconds. This should be a source of comfort; the Lord is the one who is really in control.
2 Kings 7 – What everyone sees and eats
Chapters 6 and 7 make an issue out of food. In 6:23, the king of Israel gives a great feast to the captured Syrian army. Now, with Samaria under the siege of the Syrian army, food has become so scarce that prices for nearly inedible items is outrageously expensive and some people have resorted to cannibalism and infanticide to meet their needs. Elijah promises an incredible blessing of food, but says that a doubting captain will only see the food, not eat it (7:2). The Lord had caused the Syrian army to flee in the night, leaving all of their food and supplies – there was no one to be seen (7:10). The king of Israel thought it was a trap, but sent some people to see if what the lepers reported was true. In the rush to bring back the food, the captain was trampled, but the prices for food were restored. Here there is specific punishment for the one who doubted God. While it may be difficult to see the end of difficult circumstances, if the Lord says that something will come to pass, it will come to pass. He will provide, although we may not know how. Our role is to trust Him with all humility and to act accordingly.
2 Kings 6 – What everyone sees and takes
'See,' used seven times in 2 Kings 6, and 'take ' are key words for these passages. It is interesting what people saw and took. The son of the prophet saw where the borrowed axe head fell into the water, but Elisha was able to get the axe head out, so that the son of the prophet could take it. In contrast, the king of Syria wanted to see and take Elisha since Elisha was giving prophetic announcements about the Syrian army's movement. When the army surrounded Elisha's city, the young man was given the opportunity to see the angelic host protecting them. The Syrian army was then blinded (unable to see), until they were surrounded by the Israelite army. The king of Israel saw the enemy army, but wanted to kill those he had taken captive. Only Elisha really saw everything that was going on, and only he understood what could and could not be taken. More on 'seeing' tomorrow, but we will add to this 'eating.'
2 Kings 5 – The (same?) story continues
2 Kings 4 – Sound familiar?
2 Kings 3 – Rebelling Moabites
The Moabite king tried to rebel against Israel, but Jehoram, son of Ahab, gathered the king of Judah and the king of Edom to fight the Moabites. Refreshed by a miracle, the coalition army destroyed the Moabites. In an effort to get the Moabite god to respond to the threat, the king sacrifices his son as a burnt offering on the wall. Because of his opposition to the Lord, the king lost his army, all the arable land, all the good trees, and now, by his own hand, his son. To be in opposition to the Lord is not a good place to be.
2 Kings 2 – Interesting travels
Elijah is about to be taken by the Lord: Elisha knows it, the prophet troop in Bethel knows it, and the prophet troop in Jericho knows it. Elijah goes from Gilgal, to Bethel, to Jericho, and finally crosses the parted Jordan. We must all wonder: is God leaving Israel? We wondered that in the last passage, but the Lord demonstrated His presence by burning up the groups of fifty.
Just as Israel entered the Promised Land by crossing a parted Jordan river (Joshua 3), now Elijah is leaving by the same way. Note the move from west to east; Abraham moved from east to west, Moses leads the people out of Egypt by going from west to east but Joshua took the people into Canaan from east to west. Moving from west to east is another sign that God could be leaving Israel. But Elisha takes up his predecessors mantle and returns, going east to west. He begins his ministry asking the dramatic question, “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” The Jordan river parts, Jericho is cured of their nasty water (first use of water-softeners?), Bethel is rescued from their gang problem (probably a ruthless group of teenagers – Boaz, in Ruth 2, had someone this age who was in charge of all the harvesters), and, as we will see, the deadly stew is purified in Gilgal (2 Kings 4:38-41). The Lord has not left – even if it looks like He should. He still has people in this dark country.
2 Kings 1 – Has God left?
"Thus says the LORD, 'Because you have sent messengers to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron--is it because there is no God in Israel to inquire of his word?--therefore you shall not come down from the bed to which you have gone up, but you shall surely die.'" – 2 Kings 1:16 (ESV) [See also 2 Kings 1:3-4, & 6]
1 Thessalonians 5 – A helpful word should be well received
Do not despise prophesies – 1 Thessalonians 5:20 (ESV)
While I will not go into all of what prophecies are and are not, I will say that all prophesies are proclamations from the Lord. Our response to these declarations should be acceptance (within bounds – read the following verse) rather than resentment. As the Lord's people, we should be receive these pronouncements with proper humility and treat those who give such proclamations as messengers of God rather than people who simply annoy and anger us. (Look below to the example of Ahab)
1 Kings 22 – A helpful word is not well received
Ahab gets 400 (non-YHWH) prophets to tell him that he should reclaim Ramoth-gilead from Syria, but Jehoshaphat asks for a prophet of the Lord. Micaiah comes and tells Ahab that he will die if goes up against Syria. Ahab punishes Micaiah and, in the ensuing battle, Ahab is killed by a stray arrow. The dogs lick up his blood (1 Kings 21:20) just as Elijah had prophesied earlier. A person who follows the Lord gives messages that are (1) usually quite beneficial for their audiences, but (2) usually not well received. Micaiah is thrown in prison indefinitely for giving a message that would have saved Ahab's life. We may suffer a similar fate as we proclaim the Word of the Lord.
1 Kings 21 – Repentance for the sold-out
(There was none who sold himself to do what was evil in the sight of the LORD like Ahab, whom Jezebel his wife incited. He acted very abominably in going after idols, as the Amorites had done, whom the LORD cast out before the people of Israel.) …"Have you seen how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has humbled himself before me, I will not bring the disaster in his days; but in his son's days I will bring the disaster upon his house." - 1 Kings 21:25-26, 29 (ESV)
Ahab was sold-out; not to God but to doing evil. Even the most wicked, evil person is not beyond the Lord's grace and mercy. God spared Ahab from his pronouncement because Ahab repented. While Ahab's conduct is so reprehensible, the Lord's conduct is incredibly so merciful.
1 Kings 20:34 – Looking out for your own
Since Ahab did not devote Ben-Hadad to destruction before the Lord, the Lord promised to end Ahab's reign. This message came by a cunning (if not somewhat masochistic) prophet, who turned the tables on Ahab by his very own words, much like Nathan did to King David (2 Samuel 12). Ahab's 'kindness' to Ben-Hadad was probably more politically or financially motivated, rather than a commitment to follow the Word of the Lord. We must guard against that which would turn us from following God – even partial disobedience can result in awful consequences. Ahab's deviation will cost him is very life (1 Kings 20:42).
1 Thessalonians 3:3 – Our destiny
that no one be moved by these afflictions. For you yourselves know that we are destined for this. - 1 Thessalonians 3:3 (ESV)
What do you think your destiny is? To find a husband or wife? To graduate college and find a decent career? To retire early? Well maybe. If you are believer in Jesus Christ, what is your destiny? Heaven? – yes. True life? – absolutely. But many of us do not realize that we are destined for afflictions. When persecution comes, or there is difficulty because you are following Jesus Christ, do not be surprised (1 Peter 4:12). This is just part of the 'ordinary' Christian life.
1 Kings 17 - A hero on the scene
Colossians 3 – Changing clothes
Put off (3:5-11) – these are qualities that bring about the wrath of God.
Put on (3:12-17) – these are qualities that give evidence to our being God's chosen ones.
I guess I get good at doing one or the other – 'Putting off' without 'putting on' leads to legalism; 'putting on' without 'putting off' leads to licentiousness or rebellion. Both are essential. We experience true growth by pruning and by having new shoots.
1 Kings 16 – A new house; the same sad story
Conspiracy and answered prophecy fill this chapter. The house of Jeroboam ends (1 Kings 14:14, 1 Kings 16:2-4) with the death of Elah, son of Baasha, at the hands of his chariot commander, Zimri. Zimri kills himself after seven days of being king when the commander of the Israelite army, Omri, lays siege to the city. Upon his death, Omri's son, Ahab, succeeds him. The evil the kings commit gets worse as the regimes change. The Lord's Word is becoming true as Hiel of Bethel attempts to rebuild Jericho. He looses his two sons: the eldest at the building of the foundations and the youngest when the gates were set up (Joshua 6:26). Evil builds upon evil; without the Lord's direction, people grow more evil and distant.
Colossians 1 – Our purpose, His power
Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me. – Colossians 1:28-29 (ESV)
You can get this same thought from Paul's prayer in vv. 9-14. This is what Paul was about. This was his purpose in life. And God supplied him with power to do it. May our purpose be the same as Paul's and may our power be from the Almighty!
1 Kings 14 – Failure of the new kings
Jeroboam has committed a great evil in setting up the two golden calves. Now, in an effort to find out about his son, he learns that his line will end and Israel will be scattered beyond the Euphrates. This info comes from the same prophet who, during Solomon's reign, told Jeroboam that he would be king (1 Kings 11:26-40). Just because you start out well doesn't mean you'll have a strong finish.
Phil 4:7, 9 – The peace of God of peace
The peace of God governs our emotional anxieties and the God of peace is with us as we practice the Christian life. The Lord is in the business of restoration, and the place of emphasis is the human: our hearts, our minds, our wills. Too often we are surrounded by the violence of our own emotions and practices, but God is breaking through with His peace.
1 Kings 13 – The crazy old prophet
1 Kings 12- The friends we grew up with
1 Kings 11 – The cycle continues
1 Kings 9 – The Lord and His house
1 Kings 8 – The grand opening
1 Kings 7 – A comparison of the projects
Solomon’s house: House of the Forest, 100 cubits by 50 cubits; Hall of Pillars, 50 cubits by 30 cubits; plus other buildings including a similar residence for Pharaoh’s daughter; total project time - 13 years.
Because the description of Solomon’s house is sandwiched between two accounts of the construction and furnishing of the Temple, we cannot avoid the comparisons. Yes, his court functioned differently than the Temple did, and yes, there does seem to be a priority given to the Temple, but we must remember that the king is not to acquire much silver or gold (Deut. 17:17). In building a house greater than the Temple, Solomon seems to violate that charge. Such opulence in the royal court will be the catalyst that causes the kingdom to split.
1 Kings 6 – Important building materials
While I am sure the quality of the Temple is important, there is a striking contrast between what God wants and what Solomon provides. Solomon provides an extravagant house with gold and cedar, statues and carvings, recessed frames and offsite stonework. However, the Lord wants people that walk in His ways. God will always choose obedience over cedar and gold.
1 Kings 3 – Asking for right things
What do we ask for from the Lord? How often do we ask that we would be responsible with people? This was Solomon’s prayer – that God would give him wisdom to lead Israel. Often prayers are shortsighted in their scope; they only address our needs of the now. We need the wisdom of God so that we too would be responsible, both in the now and over the long haul.
1 Kings 2 – Getting theirs
1 Kings 1 – Rocky beginnings
2 Samuel 24:14 – The great mercy of the Lord
When faced with a difficult choice, David chose to fall in the hands of God for punishment, because God’s mercy is great. The Lord doesn’t have “ordinary mercy” but incredible mercy. That is what we need – great mercy. We don’t often think of ourselves needing great mercy for our sins. In context, David committed the sin of pride and self-reliance. Do I see pride and self-reliance as a horrible wickedness needing great mercy?
2 Samuel 23:3-4 – The blessing of the Lord
David says that when one rules justly over men, in the fear of God, there will be great blessing for the people. The kings after David were usually quite bad and Israel suffered greatly. Even so, how does this affect me now? We can experience this type of blessing from God when we let the peace of Christ rule our hearts (Col. 3:15). Christ is the ruler that David anticipated; He is the only one who can perfectly rule with justice and in the fear of God. My hope is not in a good leader, but in the Great King of all time.
2 Samuel 21 – Past blood, current recompense
While this is a challenging passage regarding the punishment of the Lord and the sacrifice of Saul’s descendants, there are several things to note. (1) Rizpah (the mother of two of the executed men) waits by her sons’ bodies until the famine lifts. (2) David, moved by her compassion for the dead, reinterred the bones of Saul and Jonathan with the executed men, thus giving them all a proper burial. (3) God does lift the famine. While this seems particularly harsh, we must realize that Saul wanted to exterminate these people, violating a covenant established in Joshua 9. Verse 14 shows us the Lord’s grace to (a) the Gibeonites, since they have come under the shelter of His protection, then the Lord will be their avenger, and (b) to the people of Israel, since now this episode of injustice has come to a close.
2 Samuel 20 – Rivals hurt the cause
2 Samuel 19:41-43 – A growing rift
2 Samuel 18 – Joab’s treachery
2 Samuel 17:23 – Death of Ahithophel
It is not enough to have intelligence and wisdom in a given situation, but there needs to be trust in the Lord. That means that God is in control, even if people do not listen your wise advice and suffer for it.