Chapters 6 and 7 make an issue out of food. In 6:23, the king of Israel gives a great feast to the captured Syrian army. Now, with Samaria under the siege of the Syrian army, food has become so scarce that prices for nearly inedible items is outrageously expensive and some people have resorted to cannibalism and infanticide to meet their needs. Elijah promises an incredible blessing of food, but says that a doubting captain will only see the food, not eat it (7:2). The Lord had caused the Syrian army to flee in the night, leaving all of their food and supplies – there was no one to be seen (7:10). The king of Israel thought it was a trap, but sent some people to see if what the lepers reported was true. In the rush to bring back the food, the captain was trampled, but the prices for food were restored. Here there is specific punishment for the one who doubted God. While it may be difficult to see the end of difficult circumstances, if the Lord says that something will come to pass, it will come to pass. He will provide, although we may not know how. Our role is to trust Him with all humility and to act accordingly.