
2 Chronicles 14-15 – The courage of Asa

Asa is a good king that has a series of courageous deeds.  First, he goes against an army of one million Ethiopians and succeeds (2 Chrn 14:9-15).   Secondly, he has the courage to remove the idols in the land of Judah (2 Chrn 15:1-15).  Idols were not just a religious preference, but their worship was a way of life.   It would be akin to Asa taking all of our TV sets or credit cards.  Finally, Asa confronts his own mother about her idols (2 Chrn 15:16).   She is dethroned as Queen Mother and her items were burned.  We need to grow in our courage, like king Asa.  We see the Lord work in our lives, but then we become fearful.   Asa (at least in chs 14 & 15) shows a progressive courage that leads him to be able to do the right thing, even if it involved his own mother.