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1 Chronicles 18 – The Lord gave victory
And the Lord gave victory to David wherever he went (vv. 6, 13 - ESV) is the theme of this chapter. David conducted successful military campaigns and forged strategic alliances, but he also honored the Lord in his campaigns. This was done was by not hording horses (v. 4), dedicating plunder and tribute to the Lord (vv. 7-8, 10-11), and by having a rule that was characterized by justice and equity (v. 14). This is the Lord’s victory: not only that the land is conquered but that the heart of the king is conquered as well. The Lord is still pursuing victory in the hearts of people, whether they are rulers or subjects. We participate in God’s victory when Jesus has conquered us. It is a strange picture, I admit, but David’s obedience to the Lord and the Lord using him to subdue the surrounding nations are juxtaposed within this passage. The question to us is how do we want to meet the Lord of Hosts: as His obedient servant or standing on the opposite side of the battlefield?