
The Jesus Storybook Bible - review

The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones is a children's Bible. But it is more than that. Not only retells certain portions, but it points us to where these portions are heading. It is great book for anyone (any age!) who wants to understand the Bible and how it points to Christ. I can't read certain parts without getting choked up. I thought it was amazing.

For example, take the ending of the story of Abraham after he was about to sacrifice Isaac (p 69):
"One day Someone will be born into your family," God promised them. "And he will bring happiness to the world."

God was getting ready to give the whole world a wonderful present. It would be God's way to tell his people, "I love you."

Many years later, another Son would climb another hill, carrying wood on his back. Like Isaac, he would trust his Father and do what his Father asked. He wouldn't struggle or run away.

Who was he? God's Son, his only Son - the Son he loved.

The Lamb of God.

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