
History Makers - review

St Mary's at Night
Originally uploaded by Lochinvar1.
History Makers, edited by Paul Hostetler and Grazyna Kozusznik (translated from Polish), is compilation of essays about church planting in Poland. Each of the articles is an autobiographical sketch of the church planter and the church plant.

These accounts seem to be quite honest and humble, yet expecting God to do great things. Many of the ministries have very small churches, have gone through difficult transitions, but have a deep love for Christ and His people.

I got this book from a missionary to Poland and was very intrigued. Carrie and I have both done church planting work in Poland so I was eager to see if I knew anyone. And I did, Piotr Zaremba from Poznan. I took this book with me when I taught at Seaside Missionary Training Center in Odessa and two of the Polish students were related to church planters in the book.

If you can find it, it is worth obtaining. It is real - failures and successes both are given in the book. It can stir the heart.

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