
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity - review

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen is a method of being able to collect, process, organize, review, and do all the 'things' that flow our way.

I have used some of the techniques in Getting Things Done (GTD), but never read the book until now. Wow! I can foresee this book being a very helpful tool in managing the 'things' that I am responsible for. Allen gives simple and natural ideas some legs so that people can sleep at night not wondering if there is anything they missed. Business Week says that this book is one of the longest running best sellers.

Bob Hyatt has some helpful thoughts on using GTD as a pastor. David Allen has his own website (davidco.com), which I haven't really perused, but it may be helpful too.


dannielo said...

If you'd like a tool for implementing GTD, you can use this web application:


You can use it to manage and prioritize your goals, projects and tasks, set next actions and contexts, use checklists, schedules and a calendar.
A mobile version and iCal are available too.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link.

John B. Kendrick said...

I used and taught Covey and Daytimer for many years before reading David Allen's GTD book and switching to GTD. And then I found an application that allows me to view my entire GTD at work on my Win machine, at home on my Macs and even on my cell phone. And another app lets me call in tasks to my GTD without any writing or typing, great for those thoughts that hit me while driving. I've written about my experiences with GTD in a blog post at http://johnkendrick.wordpress.com/2008/03/27/more-getting-things-done/ John