
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life - review

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney discusses ten (or so) spiritual practices for us as believers. The spiritual disciplines are: Bible intake, prayer, worship, evangelism, serving, stewardship, fasting, silence and solitude, journaling, and learning. (He lists twelve on the back, then combines and expands them within some of the chapters.)

I began reading this book for a series we were doing for our Life Builders class (Adult Sunday School). This was a companion book to Richard Foster’s classic, Celebration of Discipline. This turned out to be great book. Whitney doesn’t come across as a mystic, but someone who is very practical, but in touch with our need to cultivate these spiritual disciplines. He uses a good deal of scripture and history to demonstrate the importance of these practices.

It cannot be said how important these discipline are for us as Christians. While reading Whitney, you become convinced of how these practices must be a part of our lifestyle. And he won’t just leave you there; he gives good insight into how to implement these practices into your life.

While I set the book down for several months before picking it back up again, the chapters are nicely divided so that each chapter stands by itself. Because of that, this book can become a resource as well as something you can simply read through. Excellent book; read this one first before going to Foster.

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