
Why America Doesn’t Work by Chuck Colson & Jack Eckerd (1991)

[Note: We had a booth at a local fair and it was super slow, so I went over and picked up a book from the library book giveaway. I got through about half of this book just sitting at my booth, but then some friends came by and no more reading. It has been a few months since the fair, but there it was on the shelf so I went ahead and finished it. ]


This book is an easy read by Chuck Colson and Jack Eckerd (of Eckerd drugstore fame). Their major contention is that America has lost her work ethic: the determination, the pride, the character. The book is divided into four parts and one long chapter 12 (6 sections). The breakdown: ‘What isn’t working?,’ ‘Whatever became of the work ethic?,’ ‘The predatory society,’ and ‘Restoring the work ethic.’ Chapter 12 (the last chapter) is in part four, but entitled, ‘Restoring the marketplace.’

Strengths and weaknesses

If you like stories, this book is full of them. The authors give tons of illustrative examples to help bolster their points. Plus the book is well-documented. All of this makes for an easy, comfortable read.

At the outset, the authors try to establish that a loss in the work ethic stems from a departure of the Christian moorings that established work in America. There was a good discussion on some of the foundational causes. While I was concerned for a good part of the book, Colson and Eckerd brought me back to some very foundational principles:

‘Why, then, should we work? Because work gives expression to our creative gifts and thus fulfills our need for meaning and purpose. Because work is intrinsically good when done with the proper attitude and motive. Because we are commanded to exercise stewardship over the earth, participating in the work of Creation in a way that glorifies God. Because we are citizens of this earth and have certain responsibilities to our fellow citizens.’ (p 178)

Even though I agreed with a good part of their assessment, I felt that most of the evidence was anecdotal. The stories were inspiring, but by themselves, didn’t necessarily move me towards agreeing with a particular position. Also, I struggled with the pull-yourselves-up-by-your-bootstraps mentality versus a cross-centered view that was mentioned at the outset of the book. While most of the book was examples that illustrated the greater point, many times that point was lost or not developed very well. Finally, I was a bit irked when I noticed that a blurb endorsing the book was by someone who was highlighted as a good example within the book (you’ll have to read it to discover the endorser/example).

Remember this book is over 15 years old. As an assessment of the culture, it is somewhat outdated. In this book, the unresolved struggle is wondering how to develop this sort of God-honoring desire in our work without Christ. But there are lots of good stories and barring a few areas of disagreement, an OK book.