Several items
1) The audio to this conference is online and free to download. It is worth your time to listen to the messages. They are here.
2) We had a wonderful time meeting friends from now and times past. We were able to stay with some good friends of ours – Boyd and Ingrid. Their passion for the Lord was very refreshing. We were also blessed by many other old friends from Columbia and Trinity (plus a few people from just two days earilier). It was awesome to just see everyone again.
3) I was very challenged by the messages. I want to pursue the Lord with a deeper passion. The gospel needs to more fully impact my life. As I steadily listen to the messages again, I remember afresh the calling the Lord has placed on all our lives to glorify Him and Him alone. The friends are great as are the books and all the free stuff, but to be refocused on Christ is the greatest thing I took away from the conference.
4) Next year you should go. Maybe we could car pool.