
Matthew 27 – The amazing things we don’t say

But he gave him no answer, not even to a single charge, so that the governor was greatly amazed. – Matt 27:14 (ESV)

In youth group, we have been going over the names of God. A few weeks ago, we came across the name, “the God who sees (cf Gen 16:13).” If God didn’t see, I would probably sin more than I do now. On the same token, I would probably want people to know all the good I have ever done. If God was blind to the things done in secret, what would be the point of doing good things in secret? Forgetting that God sees makes us defensive and ready to counteract any small inconsistency that hurts our own reputation. You see this in the workplace all the time – you cover your own behind and make the other people you work with look like miserable buffoons. Now sure, there is place for speaking up and there is a place to defend your character. But, as Jesus demonstrates, God is our ultimate Judge; the One who sees is the One whose opinion counts. People, like this governor, generally don’t understand that – they want their name across the building they helped fund.