
Mark 1 – Jesus and the crowds

When it comes to the spotlight, people often either love it too much or they hate / fear it worse than anything. There was a guy I knew that did not want his picture taken because he was afraid of being the center of attention. Conversely, I know someone else that absolutely loves having every eye on him. Jesus however, doesn’t seem to be affected by crowds. What I mean is that in a crowd, Jesus has compassion on people, heals their diseases, and casts out demons. But the pull of popularity doesn’t tug on Christ’s shoulder; He goes about His Father’s business regardless of the crowd He is leaving behind. His mind is in tune with the Father’s: He goes out early and prays in a lonely place and, when they find Him, it is off to another town. Popularity is a major force in people’s lives – we just want to be liked by others. But there is something more important than popularity, the will of God.