
Contrarian's Guide to Knowing God - review

Contrarian's Guide to Knowing God by Larry Osborne takes a hard look at what disciple is and (especially) isn't.

Here are some of the issues Osborne goes after:
* Does being a disciple mean being smart and well read?
* How relationships are different and we all don't relate to the Lord in the exact same way?
* How two people can be totally different and still please God.
* Is it a sin to be average?
* The linear model for growth doesn't fit everybody.
* Why be in a small group? (His thought on connectivity was excellent!)
* The dimmer switch principle: obeying the light we have.
* Trusting Holy Spirit to work in us.
* How God uses unlikely people.
* Can faith and doubt co-exist?
* What is zeal and how important is it?
* Why extra rules undercut true growth.
* How Best Practices can be a curse.
* Projecting your gift on everyone else (and why that's bad).
* How important is balance? (hint: it's not)
* Not trusting inner peace, results, or failure.
* The danger of turning tools into rules.
* The Potential trap.
* Overrated accountability groups meet glass house living.
* Not putting God as our number one priority (He's in the middle of every priority.)

Osborne bring quite a bit of balance to well-meaning, but often hurtful models and advice. The talks I heard at a conference were an overview of his book. While I appreciated much of what he said, I would have liked more of a way forward. There are a couple of friends that I hope to discuss this book with that would be able to give some perspective on how we view growth at our own church.


Tim said...

I'm really excited to read the book. I suppose I'll be borrowing it from PJ, which means I'll get it from you at the next meeting, hopefully - if he'll let me read it first.

Unknown said...

I gave the book back, so you can ask PJ for now! Unless, like us, you're kinda snowed in.