
John 6 - The real prophet

When the people saw the sign that he had done, they said, "This is indeed the Prophet who is to come into the world!" - John 6:14 (ESV)

After Jesus feeds the 5000, he was quickly identified with being the Prophet. An interesting conclusion; I might have gone with, "This is indeed the Caterer who is to come!" or something like that. Why does this sign connect to a Prophet? Is Jesus really this prophet? And who really cares anyway?

The Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15) is predicted by Moses to be (1) like him and (2) from the people of Israel (your brothers). Moses was a prophet during the time when the manna came; Elijah was a prophet that provided cakes for the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17); Elisha was a prophet who multiplied 20 barely loaves to 100 men with leftovers (2 Kings 4). There is an association with the Prophet and one who brings food. Well, more specifically, a type of bread.

Jesus does more here than simply bring the bread (and fish) to the people. John quickly turns our attention to the next day when the people question Jesus' departure. Jesus scolds them for wanting normal bread and not wanting the bread that leads to eternal life. And then the shocker of shockers, Jesus declares that He is the Bread of Life (v 35). They must eat His flesh and drink His blood (vv 53-58); a notion that did not sit well with the crowd that had followed Him (v 66).

What do we want from Jesus? What do we expect Him to give us? We are so often encapsulated and defined by our immediate surroundings and circumstances, that our desires for God's provision reflect this. But at the heart of what Jesus offers is Himself. That is what He still offers. We can watch religious TV with all of its promises of material prosperity, buy handkerchiefs that promise healing, and get the latest self-help book that promises emotional nirvana and miss out on what God is offering to us.

During this time of giving, getting, and making a better you, my hope is that we would all find our greatest satisfaction in the what Jesus offers to us - Himself.

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