Proverbs 26:10 has been called by D.C. Snell as the most obscure verse in the entire book. The problem has to do with the actual translation of the Hebrew. Below is the actual Hebrew (BHS). I will be referring to the numbers above the words so everyone can follow along.
This verse has had a rough history as noted by the following ancient translations:
All flesh of fools endures much hardship, for their fury is brought to naught. - Greek Septuagint
The flesh of the fools suffers much, and the drunkard passes over the sea. - Aramaic Targum
Judgment determines cases, and he who lays silence on the fool alleviates rage. - Latin Vulgate
There are so many problems with these translations, it is hard to know where to begin. So how do our modern translations fare? A little better, but not much. As we look at Proverbs 26:10, we see three basic modern translations of this verse:
a) Like an archer who wounds everybody, is one who hires a passing fool or a drunkard.
(Representative translations: NRSV, RSV, ESV)
This verse takes [1] as meaning 'an archer' and the current, po'el participle, form of [2] as meaning 'pierces,' 'piercing' or 'wounds' thus giving the translation, "Like an archer who wounds everybody." The comparative 'like' is added to assist in smoothing out the English.
In the second line, however, these translations repoint [6] so that it says 'drunkard' not the participle 'one who hires'. What you have then are two groups that are both governed by the first participle [4] 'one who hires' and modified by the participle [7] 'passing by.' The resulting translation: “is one who hires [either] a passing fool or a [passing] drunkard.” The 'passing' participle is plural, therefore it applies to the plural set.
Note: words bracketed and italicized are not actually in the Hebrew (BHS) text but are added for clarity or to show additional options.
b) The great One that formed all, both rewards the fool, and rewards transgressors.
(Representative translations: NKJV, KJV, YLT)
This verse takes [1] as meaning 'many' or 'great,' which is spelled and pointed the very same way as 'archer' in examples (a) and (c). The participle [2] is taken as a substantive and the meaning is from the Hiphil form of the verb meaning 'begin.' Thus you have the translation, “The great One [or God] that began [or formed] all.”
The second line follows the Hebrew (BHS) by having both [4] and [6] be participles that mean 'hire' which these translations imply means 'give' or 'reward.' The second line takes [7] to mean 'transgressors' from the verb 'pass over' or 'cross.' This, from a gloss standpoint, is acceptable, since the alternative in this case, ' passers-by' do not make as much sense.
c) Like an archer who wounds everyone, so is he who hires a fool or who hires those who pass by.
(Representative translations: NASB, NIV, NLT)
Line one here is exactly translated like line one in example (a). This is a stronger translation because [2] is a po'el participle, not a Hiphil form, and one would expect [1] and [2] to go together – an archer who pierces.
The second line follows example (b) except that [7] is taken as 'passers-by' rather than 'transgressors.' Within the context of the verse, the 'passers-by' seem to be the better translation.
According to Bruce Waltke, this translation, example (c), is the best translation since it follows the Hebrew (BHS) and takes into account nuances such as meter (which I cannot explain).
For reference: Waltke, Bruce. Proverbs 16-31. The New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005. See page 339; use the Search Inside function at Amazon.
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Note - "Life Builders" is the name of the Adult Sunday School class at AEFC.
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