
The Treasure Principle - review

The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn is a short book that seeks to demonstrate the joy that there is to be had in giving. In creating a foundation for joy-filled giving, he brings out six Treasure Principle keys.

1) God owns everything. I'm His money manager.
2) My heart always goes where I put God's money.
3) Heaven, not earth, is my home.
4) I should live not for the dot but for the line. (The dot represents our present life on earth while the line is our home in eternity.)
5) Giving is the only antidote to materialism.
6) God prospers me not to raise my standard of living, but to raise my standard of giving.

Alcorn is short, sweet, and to the point in this book. The highlight of the book was his own personal situation where he was sued by a couple of abortion clinics, so he divested himself of all his assets in order to prevent them from using his money to further their practices. At the time of this book, he does not make more than minimum wage, makes no money from his book royalties, and had to resign from the church he worked at to protect them from the lawsuits as well. God used these events to teach him the joy of giving. This book is a worthwhile read.

1 comment:

mmccarnan said...

I ran across your blog today doing research on Alcorn's Treasure Principle for PastorBookshelf.com. What really caught my eye was the cornfield picture in the sidebar!
I grew up in central Indiana, surrounded by cornfields.
Thanks for the memory!