Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. - James 1:12 (ESV)
This past Sunday we were able to go to my grandma's church in Springfield. The service and the message were both wonderful. The pastor preached on James 1:12. As I was reading the passage, the words struck me in a way that they never had before. And since we (those following the M'Cheyne reading plan) just read James 1 several days ago, it is refreshing to reflect on these words again.
There are two ways, in my mind, to understand the man “who remains steadfast under trial.” One way is that this “steadfast” man will be lumped into a group of other people who love God, all of whom will receive a crown of life. This way, however, says nothing about his own love for God.
The other way to understand this passage is to see a similarity between being steadfast under trial and loving God. The issue is, what are we persevering in? We are persevering in our loyalty, our commitment, our faith, our love for God when we stay firm during a trial. Compare this to a marriage: you show your love by being loyal to your spouse. Now the trials could be one of external enticement (like another person is wanting your intimacy), or one of social pressure (like a family member is trying to degrade your spouse or forcing you to side against them), or one of responsibility (like doing what you said you would do around the house), and so on. Love becomes a loyalty under pressure.
This is a helpful way to think about love - especially our love for God. Our response to trials does correspond to our own love for the Lord. So, for the love of God, stand whatever test is coming your way.