
Numbers 10 – Remembering

The trumpets serve as a reminder. The trumpets are blown so that Israel may be remembered before the Lord in their time of need (v. 10:9). Likewise, on a day of gladness, the trumpets are used in the same way (v. 10:10). Now, God knows all and sees all, He doesn’t need a ‘reminder’ in the conventional sense. But by blowing the trumpets, they show their need for God.

Whether in days of adversity or in days of gladness, we are to keep the Lord before us. He is not a God that simply ‘rescues’ us and He is not a God that only comes in times of joy. He is involved in all aspects of our daily living. While we are not usually tempted to worship another god in one circumstance and the Lord in another, functionally we do this by seeking the Lord only in particular situations (often bad ones). In the others, we often become the god. Requests for healing – Jesus; vacations and birthdays – us.

May we seek the Lord’s remembrance of us in all arenas of life.