What can the Lord not do? Is there any circumstance outside of His control? Is there any obstacle that is too insurmountable? We see that when Jehoahaz was king, the Syrians reduced the Israelite army to nearly nothing. However, when his son, Joash, reigned in Israel, he defeated the Syrians three times, taking back important cities that they had claimed. The difference: the Lord's arrow of victory (13:17) – The Lord was the one who was going to get the victory for Israel. How often do we rely on our strength of arms or wilt because of our lack of strength? Regardless of scarcity or plenty, we need our Lord.
book reviews, articles of interest, and other random things
2 Kings 10 – Jehonadab: “Jehu’s friend” OR “One of the few people left alive in Israel”
The coming of Jehu to the throne means the death of many people: Ahab's descendants, Ahab's followers in Jezreel, Ahab's follower's in Samaria, Ahaziah's relatives, and all the Baal prophets. In the midst of the carnage, Jehu makes a friend, Jehonadab the son of Rechab, who helps Jehu identify any followers of the Lord in the service of Baal. In Jeremiah 35, Jehonadab's descendants are known for their obedience to a set of rules that Jehonadab set up. The Lord notes that while Jehonadab's descendants followed his rules even in spite of persecution, His people have disobeyed Him. The point: while it seems that Jehonadab is a worthy fellow, am I more committed to the teaching of a great person or to the Lord? Even if some person says something great or says something memorable, how much more should I remember and obey what the Lord says!
2 Kings 9 – Friends of bad people
Friends, they are a great thing to have. But if you are powerful and particularly evil, your friends may be unreliable at best and your servants may quickly turn on you. The account of Jehu provides an interesting contrast to David. With Jehu's victims, the trusted servants and friends of Joram, Ahaziah, and Jezebel all leave them. David's servants were loyal and looked out for his well-being over their own. It is interesting how quickly the tide turned in Jehu's favor – the men quickly anointed him as king, the riders did not warn the king of Jehu's approach, the eunuchs threw Jezebel out the window. The Lord can cause even a well-established regime to crumble in seconds. This should be a source of comfort; the Lord is the one who is really in control.
2 Kings 7 – What everyone sees and eats
Chapters 6 and 7 make an issue out of food. In 6:23, the king of Israel gives a great feast to the captured Syrian army. Now, with Samaria under the siege of the Syrian army, food has become so scarce that prices for nearly inedible items is outrageously expensive and some people have resorted to cannibalism and infanticide to meet their needs. Elijah promises an incredible blessing of food, but says that a doubting captain will only see the food, not eat it (7:2). The Lord had caused the Syrian army to flee in the night, leaving all of their food and supplies – there was no one to be seen (7:10). The king of Israel thought it was a trap, but sent some people to see if what the lepers reported was true. In the rush to bring back the food, the captain was trampled, but the prices for food were restored. Here there is specific punishment for the one who doubted God. While it may be difficult to see the end of difficult circumstances, if the Lord says that something will come to pass, it will come to pass. He will provide, although we may not know how. Our role is to trust Him with all humility and to act accordingly.
2 Kings 6 – What everyone sees and takes
'See,' used seven times in 2 Kings 6, and 'take ' are key words for these passages. It is interesting what people saw and took. The son of the prophet saw where the borrowed axe head fell into the water, but Elisha was able to get the axe head out, so that the son of the prophet could take it. In contrast, the king of Syria wanted to see and take Elisha since Elisha was giving prophetic announcements about the Syrian army's movement. When the army surrounded Elisha's city, the young man was given the opportunity to see the angelic host protecting them. The Syrian army was then blinded (unable to see), until they were surrounded by the Israelite army. The king of Israel saw the enemy army, but wanted to kill those he had taken captive. Only Elisha really saw everything that was going on, and only he understood what could and could not be taken. More on 'seeing' tomorrow, but we will add to this 'eating.'
2 Kings 5 – The (same?) story continues
2 Kings 4 – Sound familiar?
2 Kings 3 – Rebelling Moabites
The Moabite king tried to rebel against Israel, but Jehoram, son of Ahab, gathered the king of Judah and the king of Edom to fight the Moabites. Refreshed by a miracle, the coalition army destroyed the Moabites. In an effort to get the Moabite god to respond to the threat, the king sacrifices his son as a burnt offering on the wall. Because of his opposition to the Lord, the king lost his army, all the arable land, all the good trees, and now, by his own hand, his son. To be in opposition to the Lord is not a good place to be.
2 Kings 2 – Interesting travels
Elijah is about to be taken by the Lord: Elisha knows it, the prophet troop in Bethel knows it, and the prophet troop in Jericho knows it. Elijah goes from Gilgal, to Bethel, to Jericho, and finally crosses the parted Jordan. We must all wonder: is God leaving Israel? We wondered that in the last passage, but the Lord demonstrated His presence by burning up the groups of fifty.
Just as Israel entered the Promised Land by crossing a parted Jordan river (Joshua 3), now Elijah is leaving by the same way. Note the move from west to east; Abraham moved from east to west, Moses leads the people out of Egypt by going from west to east but Joshua took the people into Canaan from east to west. Moving from west to east is another sign that God could be leaving Israel. But Elisha takes up his predecessors mantle and returns, going east to west. He begins his ministry asking the dramatic question, “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” The Jordan river parts, Jericho is cured of their nasty water (first use of water-softeners?), Bethel is rescued from their gang problem (probably a ruthless group of teenagers – Boaz, in Ruth 2, had someone this age who was in charge of all the harvesters), and, as we will see, the deadly stew is purified in Gilgal (2 Kings 4:38-41). The Lord has not left – even if it looks like He should. He still has people in this dark country.
2 Kings 1 – Has God left?
"Thus says the LORD, 'Because you have sent messengers to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron--is it because there is no God in Israel to inquire of his word?--therefore you shall not come down from the bed to which you have gone up, but you shall surely die.'" – 2 Kings 1:16 (ESV) [See also 2 Kings 1:3-4, & 6]
1 Thessalonians 5 – A helpful word should be well received
Do not despise prophesies – 1 Thessalonians 5:20 (ESV)
While I will not go into all of what prophecies are and are not, I will say that all prophesies are proclamations from the Lord. Our response to these declarations should be acceptance (within bounds – read the following verse) rather than resentment. As the Lord's people, we should be receive these pronouncements with proper humility and treat those who give such proclamations as messengers of God rather than people who simply annoy and anger us. (Look below to the example of Ahab)
1 Kings 22 – A helpful word is not well received
Ahab gets 400 (non-YHWH) prophets to tell him that he should reclaim Ramoth-gilead from Syria, but Jehoshaphat asks for a prophet of the Lord. Micaiah comes and tells Ahab that he will die if goes up against Syria. Ahab punishes Micaiah and, in the ensuing battle, Ahab is killed by a stray arrow. The dogs lick up his blood (1 Kings 21:20) just as Elijah had prophesied earlier. A person who follows the Lord gives messages that are (1) usually quite beneficial for their audiences, but (2) usually not well received. Micaiah is thrown in prison indefinitely for giving a message that would have saved Ahab's life. We may suffer a similar fate as we proclaim the Word of the Lord.
1 Kings 21 – Repentance for the sold-out
(There was none who sold himself to do what was evil in the sight of the LORD like Ahab, whom Jezebel his wife incited. He acted very abominably in going after idols, as the Amorites had done, whom the LORD cast out before the people of Israel.) …"Have you seen how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has humbled himself before me, I will not bring the disaster in his days; but in his son's days I will bring the disaster upon his house." - 1 Kings 21:25-26, 29 (ESV)
Ahab was sold-out; not to God but to doing evil. Even the most wicked, evil person is not beyond the Lord's grace and mercy. God spared Ahab from his pronouncement because Ahab repented. While Ahab's conduct is so reprehensible, the Lord's conduct is incredibly so merciful.
1 Kings 20:34 – Looking out for your own
Since Ahab did not devote Ben-Hadad to destruction before the Lord, the Lord promised to end Ahab's reign. This message came by a cunning (if not somewhat masochistic) prophet, who turned the tables on Ahab by his very own words, much like Nathan did to King David (2 Samuel 12). Ahab's 'kindness' to Ben-Hadad was probably more politically or financially motivated, rather than a commitment to follow the Word of the Lord. We must guard against that which would turn us from following God – even partial disobedience can result in awful consequences. Ahab's deviation will cost him is very life (1 Kings 20:42).
1 Thessalonians 3:3 – Our destiny
that no one be moved by these afflictions. For you yourselves know that we are destined for this. - 1 Thessalonians 3:3 (ESV)
What do you think your destiny is? To find a husband or wife? To graduate college and find a decent career? To retire early? Well maybe. If you are believer in Jesus Christ, what is your destiny? Heaven? – yes. True life? – absolutely. But many of us do not realize that we are destined for afflictions. When persecution comes, or there is difficulty because you are following Jesus Christ, do not be surprised (1 Peter 4:12). This is just part of the 'ordinary' Christian life.
1 Kings 17 - A hero on the scene
Colossians 3 – Changing clothes
Put off (3:5-11) – these are qualities that bring about the wrath of God.
Put on (3:12-17) – these are qualities that give evidence to our being God's chosen ones.
I guess I get good at doing one or the other – 'Putting off' without 'putting on' leads to legalism; 'putting on' without 'putting off' leads to licentiousness or rebellion. Both are essential. We experience true growth by pruning and by having new shoots.
1 Kings 16 – A new house; the same sad story
Conspiracy and answered prophecy fill this chapter. The house of Jeroboam ends (1 Kings 14:14, 1 Kings 16:2-4) with the death of Elah, son of Baasha, at the hands of his chariot commander, Zimri. Zimri kills himself after seven days of being king when the commander of the Israelite army, Omri, lays siege to the city. Upon his death, Omri's son, Ahab, succeeds him. The evil the kings commit gets worse as the regimes change. The Lord's Word is becoming true as Hiel of Bethel attempts to rebuild Jericho. He looses his two sons: the eldest at the building of the foundations and the youngest when the gates were set up (Joshua 6:26). Evil builds upon evil; without the Lord's direction, people grow more evil and distant.
Colossians 1 – Our purpose, His power
Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me. – Colossians 1:28-29 (ESV)
You can get this same thought from Paul's prayer in vv. 9-14. This is what Paul was about. This was his purpose in life. And God supplied him with power to do it. May our purpose be the same as Paul's and may our power be from the Almighty!
1 Kings 14 – Failure of the new kings
Jeroboam has committed a great evil in setting up the two golden calves. Now, in an effort to find out about his son, he learns that his line will end and Israel will be scattered beyond the Euphrates. This info comes from the same prophet who, during Solomon's reign, told Jeroboam that he would be king (1 Kings 11:26-40). Just because you start out well doesn't mean you'll have a strong finish.
Phil 4:7, 9 – The peace of God of peace
The peace of God governs our emotional anxieties and the God of peace is with us as we practice the Christian life. The Lord is in the business of restoration, and the place of emphasis is the human: our hearts, our minds, our wills. Too often we are surrounded by the violence of our own emotions and practices, but God is breaking through with His peace.
1 Kings 13 – The crazy old prophet
1 Kings 12- The friends we grew up with
1 Kings 11 – The cycle continues
1 Kings 9 – The Lord and His house
1 Kings 8 – The grand opening
1 Kings 7 – A comparison of the projects
Solomon’s house: House of the Forest, 100 cubits by 50 cubits; Hall of Pillars, 50 cubits by 30 cubits; plus other buildings including a similar residence for Pharaoh’s daughter; total project time - 13 years.
Because the description of Solomon’s house is sandwiched between two accounts of the construction and furnishing of the Temple, we cannot avoid the comparisons. Yes, his court functioned differently than the Temple did, and yes, there does seem to be a priority given to the Temple, but we must remember that the king is not to acquire much silver or gold (Deut. 17:17). In building a house greater than the Temple, Solomon seems to violate that charge. Such opulence in the royal court will be the catalyst that causes the kingdom to split.
1 Kings 6 – Important building materials
While I am sure the quality of the Temple is important, there is a striking contrast between what God wants and what Solomon provides. Solomon provides an extravagant house with gold and cedar, statues and carvings, recessed frames and offsite stonework. However, the Lord wants people that walk in His ways. God will always choose obedience over cedar and gold.
1 Kings 3 – Asking for right things
What do we ask for from the Lord? How often do we ask that we would be responsible with people? This was Solomon’s prayer – that God would give him wisdom to lead Israel. Often prayers are shortsighted in their scope; they only address our needs of the now. We need the wisdom of God so that we too would be responsible, both in the now and over the long haul.