
Bits of Brainerd

Tuesday, February 7. Was much engaged in some sweet meditations on the powers and affections of the godly soul in their pursuit of their beloved object: wrote something of the native language of spiritual sensation, in its soft and tender whispers; declaring, that it now feels and tastes that the Lord is gracious; that he is a complete sufficient and almighty portions; saying,
"Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is not upon earth that I desire besides this blessed portion. O, I feel it is heaven to please him, and to be just what he would have me to be! O that my soul were holy, as he is holy! O that it were pure, even as Christ is pure; and perfect, as my Father is heaven is perfect! These, I feel, are the sweetest commands in God's book, comprising all others. And shall I break them! must I break them! am I under a necessity of it as long as I live in the world! O my soul, woe, woe is me that I am a sinner, because I now necessarily grieve and offend this blessed God, who is infinite in goodness and grace! Oh, methinks, if he would punish me for my sins, it would not wound my heart so deep to offend him: but though I sin continually, yet he continually repeats his kindness to me! Oh, methinks I could bear any sufferings; but how can I bear to grieve and dishonor this blessed God! How shall I yield ten thousand times more honor to him? What shall I do to glorify and worship this best of beings? O that I could consecrate myself, soul and body, to his service forever! O that I could give up myself to him, so as never more to attempt to be my own, or to have any will or affections that are not perfectly conformed to him! But, alas, alas! I find I cannot be thus entirely devoted to God; I cannot live, and not sin. O ye angels, do ye glorify him incessantly; and if possible, prostrate yourselves lower before the blessed King of heaven? I long to bear a part with you; and, if it were possible, to help you. Oh, when we have done all that we can, to all eternity, we shall not be able to offer the ten thousandth part of the homage that the glorious God deserves!"
Felt something spiritual, devout, resigned, and mortified to the world, much of the day; and especially toward, and in, the evening. Blessed be God, that he enables me to love him for himself.


Bits of Brainerd

Wednesday, January 8. In the evening my heart was drawn out after God in secret: my soul was refreshed and quickened; and, I trust, faith was in exercise. I had great hopes of the ingathering of precious souls to Christ; not only among my own people, but others also. I was sweetly resigned and composed under my bodily weakness; and was willing to live or die, and desirous to labor for God to the utmost of my strength.

Thursday, January 9. Was still very weak, and much exercised with vapory disorders. In the evening enjoyed some enlargement and spirituality in prayer. Oh that I could always spend my time profitably, both in health and weakness!

Jeremiah 17 - Thirst or refreshment

Wind ripples and desert shrub
Originally uploaded by roy.luck.
Thus says the Lord:

“Cursed is the man who trusts in man
and makes flesh his strength,
whose heart turns away from the Lord.
He is like a shrub in the desert,
and shall not see any good come.
He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness,
in an uninhabited salt land.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose trust is the Lord.
He is like a tree planted by water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

- Jeremiah 17:5-8 (ESV)


Bits of Brainerd

Saturday, December 18. Spent much time in prayer in the woods; and seemed raised above the things of the world: my soul was strong in the Lord of hosts; but was sensible of great barrenness.


The Tipping Point [abridged audiobook] by Malcolm Gladwell

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell is an entertaining study on how epidemics work.

A Tipping Point is where momentum for change becomes so great that it cannot be stopped. Gladwell states that these changes - whether they are ideas, products, behaviors - spread like viruses. He goes on to describe the process and the key players in such change.

To understand Gladwell's analysis of Tipping Points, see the wikipedia article. Concise and helpful.

I listened to an abridged version on an audio book. Normally an audio book would be a poor format for a book like this, but Gladwell's thoughts are concise and simple. In fact, one of the Amazon reviews states that the book is too long and is more appropriate as a magazine article. I felt like the audio book was sufficient and it was quite short.

The examples are fascinating. If you liked Freakonomics, you'll like this book.


Quiet Strength [abridged audiobook] by Tony Dungy

Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, and Priorities of a Winning Life by Tony Dungy is an autobiography of the now coach of the Indianapolis Colts.

This was an excellent book. Narrated by Tony Dungy, he simply talks about his life: his faith, sports, his wife, kids, the media, friends. This book wasn't about his football career, but it was how the Lord worked in his life.

Needless to say, I am a recent Tony Dungy fan. I heard Dungy on the radio talking about his son who had committed suicide. He talked about all the good that had came about because of the unique opportunities this tragic event had afforded: people coming to Christ, fathers investing time with their sons, etc. When he reflected on all of this, he wondered if he would willingly give up his son for all the good it had done. He thought, "no I wouldn't give up my son for anything." Then he was struck with the fact that God did give up His Son for others. It was a powerful message.

This book is a great audio book. Easy to listen to and follow. You can pick up where you left off with ease. The recordings were very well done.


Bits of Brainerd

"Lord's day, December 12. I felt in the morning as if I had little or no power either to pray or preach; and felt a distressing need of divine help. I went to the meeting trembling; but it pleased God to assist me in prayer and sermon. I think my soul scarce ever penetrated so far into the immaterial world, in any one prayer that ever I made, nor were my devotions ever so free from gross conceptions and imaginations framed from beholding material objects. I preached with some sweetness, from Matt. 6:33, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God," etc.; and in the afternoon from Rom. 15:30, "And now I beseech you brethren," etc. There was much affection in the assembly. This has been a sweet Sabbath to me; and blessed be God, I have reason to think, that my religion is becoming more spiritual, by means of my late inward conflicts. Amen. May I always be willing that God should use his own methods with me!"

Bits of Brainerd - introduction

David Brainerd was a missionary to the Native Americans in the 1740's. He suffered many ailments and obstacles, probably including depression. While he only lived a short time (he died at the age of 29), this collection of his journals by Jonathan Edwards has had incredible impact on future generations of missionaries.

For our encouragement, I will post some excerpts from Edwards' book.

The Wikipedia bio (short)

Buy the book (long, but rewarding)

Read it for free (Christian Classics Ethereal Library, requires a search)

Oh, That I May Never Loiter On My Heavenly Journey! Reflections on the Life and Ministry of David Brainerd by John Piper (best place to start)