
Stop Dating the Church! - review

Stop Dating the Church!: Fall in Love with the Family of God by Joshua Harris shows Christ's love for His church and how we should love the church as well.

This book was rather helpful in addressing problems such as church-hopping, the importance of fellowship, and getting little out of our corporate worship times. It is short, begins each chapter with a solid illustration, and outlines the salient points in good fashion. Harris does help us to love the church more and to see how beautiful she really is.

It is worth noting, however, that if you come from an abusive or controlling religious environment, this book is addressing a laissez faire attitude towards church. Harris' chapter on "Choosing Your Church" is quite important and should not be skipped.

The Roots of Endurance - review

The Roots of Endurance by John Piper contains three short biographies of John Newton, Charles Simeon, and William Wilberforce.

This book is the product of Piper's biographical sketches from Desiring God's annual pastor's conference (John Newton, Charles Simeon, William Wilberforce). These biographies are different than a 'normal' biography in that Piper is always asking what drove these men. Some of the entertaining details are lightly addressed while personal writings are emphasized to show how these men saw their lives in light of the Sovereign Lord. Well worth either reading or listening to.

"For a nominal Christian is content with proving the way of salvation by a crucified Redeemer. But the true Christian loves it, delights in it, glories in it, and shudders at the very thought of glorying in anything else." - Charles Simeon (p 114)


The Word Became Fresh - review

The Word Became Fresh by Dale Ralph Davis is a guide for how to preach from Old Testament narrative sections (places like 1 & 2 Kings, Judges, parts of Exodus, etc.). Davis has an easy-going style to a topic that befuddles and frightens many would be expositors.

My opinion on this book is mixed. First the bad - it is hard (at least for me) to find a way forward in going from OT narrative to sermon from Davis. He tends to give some vague, general direction, provides a partial example, and then leaves it. There are portions where Davis seems more concerned about being humorous or provocative rather than helpful.

The good, but with some caveats:
(1) A strength of the book is the use of vivid (non-biblical) illustrations to highlight certain points. (While one could almost purchase this book his illustrations, I didn't, but it is a nice bonus.)

(2) Davis has a high view of Scripture that includes reading and preaching the text on it's own terms. Davis' example of Jael (Judges 4-5): Jael kills Sisera in a very deceptive way, but rather than condemning her actions, she is praised in the following chapter in Deborah's song. Therefore, while it may seem quite harsh, we must deal with her assassination of Sisera in a positive light (Judges 5:24-27) (pp 71-74).

(3) Davis does a good job of looking at specific passages and showing how he would preach parts of them. Unfortunately, he leaves most of the tension he creates unresolved, letting the reader wonder how to go forward.

(4) It is a nice read; Davis has an easy style that is very accessible.

(5) The section on Quirks (noticing features of the text) was short and quite helpful. Davis gives some big picture thoughts on specific books that are insightful too. There are good nuggets throughout the book, but again, they must be mined.

If you are looking for some real help on preaching OT narrative, I would suggest Steven Mathewson's The Art of Preaching Old Testament Narrative. Davis' book is a good primer or supplement, but not a one-stop book on the subject. Davis sums the book up nicely when, in explaining why he using Genesis 12 as the basis for his entire section on theology, says, "I'm writing the book and should be allowed to do what I want." (p 31) Indeed, he takes this liberty throughout. Also, this book could have used a Scripture reference at the end, since that would have emphasized the book's real strong point - Davis' own (albeit partial) expositions of particular texts. In the end, I would travel to hear Davis speak; I bet he is quite engaging. But adjust your expectations when you purchase this book.


Cora laughing

A short video of Cora laughing at some foil paper Carrie is crinkling. Hopefully we can all get some joy from watching a child and her innocent delights.

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22


Contrarian's Guide to Knowing God - review

Contrarian's Guide to Knowing God by Larry Osborne takes a hard look at what disciple is and (especially) isn't.

Here are some of the issues Osborne goes after:
* Does being a disciple mean being smart and well read?
* How relationships are different and we all don't relate to the Lord in the exact same way?
* How two people can be totally different and still please God.
* Is it a sin to be average?
* The linear model for growth doesn't fit everybody.
* Why be in a small group? (His thought on connectivity was excellent!)
* The dimmer switch principle: obeying the light we have.
* Trusting Holy Spirit to work in us.
* How God uses unlikely people.
* Can faith and doubt co-exist?
* What is zeal and how important is it?
* Why extra rules undercut true growth.
* How Best Practices can be a curse.
* Projecting your gift on everyone else (and why that's bad).
* How important is balance? (hint: it's not)
* Not trusting inner peace, results, or failure.
* The danger of turning tools into rules.
* The Potential trap.
* Overrated accountability groups meet glass house living.
* Not putting God as our number one priority (He's in the middle of every priority.)

Osborne bring quite a bit of balance to well-meaning, but often hurtful models and advice. The talks I heard at a conference were an overview of his book. While I appreciated much of what he said, I would have liked more of a way forward. There are a couple of friends that I hope to discuss this book with that would be able to give some perspective on how we view growth at our own church.

Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ - review

Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ by John Piper is book designed to guide us toward valuing Christ above all things.

A powerful book that focuses the senses of our mind and heart upon our Savior, Jesus Christ. A taste, if you will from Piper's chapter, The Incarnate Wealth of the Compassion of God:

"It is he who made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture" (Psalm 100:3). There is one ultimate owner in the universe, God. All others are trustees. Neither we nor what we have is finally our own. It is all a trust to be used for the aims of the owner. In a sense, therefore, all sin is embezzling.

But, strikingly, the New Testament describes the wealth of God not mainly in terms of what he created and owns, but mainly in terms of the glory he has from all eternity. Repeatedly we read of "the riches of his glory" or "his riches in glory" (for example, Ephesians 3:16; Philippians 4:19; Colossians 1:27). If God were only rich because he made and owns all things, he would have been poor before creation. But that means he would have created out of need and would be dependent on his creation. But that is not the picture of God we find in the Bible. God did not create to get wealth; he created to display wealth - the wealth of his glory for the enjoyment of his people (Ephesians 1:6, 12, 14). (pp 83-84)

Piper gives us meditations of our Lord for us to dwell on and to savor.


Genesis 29 - Fragile structures of hope

Four Brothers
Originally uploaded by caaz-izzi.
When the Lord saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb, but Rachel was barren. And Leah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Reuben [‘see, a son'], for she said, “Because the Lord has looked upon my affliction; for now my husband will love me.” She conceived again and bore a son, and said, “Because the Lord has heard that I am hated, he has given me this son also.” And she called his name Simeon [sounds like ‘heard’]. Again she conceived and bore a son, and said, “Now this time my husband will be attached to me, because I have borne him three sons.” Therefore his name was called Levi [sounds like ‘attached']. And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, “This time I will praise the Lord.” Therefore she called his name Judah [sounds like ‘praise']. Then she ceased bearing.
Genesis 29:31-35 (ESV with notes inserted in brackets)

Leah is driven to desperation. She was swapped out for her sister on Rachel’s wedding night. She is hated by her husband, not the least of the reasons being his increased service to her father (7 more years). In her mind, hope resides in her husband’s love; his love will come through Leah giving him sons.

Sons she gives him, and with each one she again thinks, “This will be the time he loves me.” Their names reflect her desperation: Reuben – ‘see, a son’ – a demonstration of her hope, Simeon – ‘heard’ – God has heard and has given her a son to please her husband with, Levi – ‘attached’ – now Jacob will be attached to me. Every son’s name now mocks her attempts to find hope.

Where do we find hope? In the if only’s? If only I had this, if only I had that, then I’d have all I ever wanted. Peering from the outside in, Leah looks ridiculous. But we have the same issues. Our precious hope is placed in schemes that are so fragile and so outlandish that they border on lunacy when revealed.

Leah, I believe, learns true hope in her last son. “This time I will praise the Lord.” Isn’t interesting that the son that becomes the catalyst for her true hope in the Lord, is the very son whose lineage leads to our Savior? The Lion of Judah is the one upon whom our hope should rest.

Exodus 22 - Immigration

Originally uploaded by lcars.
You shall not wrong a sojourner or oppress him, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt. Exodus 22:21 (ESV)

Nothing earth-shattering here, but it does seem to me that, as followers of Christ, there should be sense of kindness and compassion when we talk about the immigration issue. On the practical side, I, for one, am glad that people want to come to the US. Normally difficult to reach people are just a car's drive away (maybe closer). And some of the immigrants are believers, going to the cities that most Christians are stumbling over themselves to get out of. (But that would have to be for another passage I guess.)

Everyday Theology - review

Everyday Theology by Charles Anderson, Michael Sleasman, and Kevin Vanhoozer is a compilation of papers that gives theological insight on specific culture issues. While my number one reason for buying this was because I went to graduate school with the people that wrote the articles, I was very encouraged by the depth and for providing a way forward when we think about cultural issues from a theological standpoint.

How to read cultural texts and trends:
By trying to avoid summarizing Vanhoozer's initial article, I will simply give his own methodological guidelines to interpreting culture (pp 59-60). These are very insightful and quite helpful as we engage the world around us.
1. Try to comprehend a cultural text on it's own terms before you "interpret" it.
2. Attend to what a cultural text is doing as well as saying by clarifying its illocutionary act.
3. Consider the world behind, of, and in front of the cultural text.
4. Determine what "powers" are served by particular cultural texts or trends by discovering whose material interests are served.
5. Seek the "world hypothesis" and/or "root metaphor" implied by the cultural text.
6. Be comprehensive in your interpretation of a cultural text; find corroborative evidence that makes best sense of the whole as well as the parts.
7. Give "thick" descriptions of the cultural text that are nonreductive and sensitive to the various levels of communicative action.
8. Articulate the way of being human to which a cultural text directly or indirectly bears witness and gives commendation.
9. Discern what faith a cultural text directly or indirectly expresses. What convictions about God, the world, and ourselves does a cultural text and/or trend commit us?
10. Locate the cultural text in the biblical creation-fall-redemption schema and make sure that biblical rather than cultural texts have the lead role in shaping your imagination and hence your interpretative framework for your experience.

Interpreting trends:
After Vanhoozer's introduction, the book is then a series of papers that cover: grocery store magazines, Eminem, UN's declaration of human rights, megachurch architecture, Gladiator, busyness, blogging, transhumanism, designer funerals, and weddings. This book gives quite an assortment and quality analysis. Reminds me of a former Christian adviser that gave incredible insight on how air conditioning has impacted society.

This book is a truly helpful collection of essays and not from all the same authors we always read (Vanhoozer excepted). Excellent stuff - especially nice is the glossary at the end. Some discussion questions would be nice, but I guess if you have this be a discussion book, then most of the questions might just present themselves. Also, it is too bad that the website didn't quite pan out. This could certainly be an ongoing series; there is always a need to examine and interpret culture through a Christ-centered lens.


Gems to Treasure of Seashells and Friendship

Gems to Treasure of Seashells and Friendship by Harlan Wittkopf is fun gift book about, well, seashells and friends. If you enjoy combing the beach or if you have a nature loving friend, this would be an excellent present.

We had an interesting discussion before this book was published regarding seashells and Scripture. Because of his seashell books and his love for Christ, Harlan has keyed in on the few texts that talk about beach. Our discussion centered around Deuteronomy 33 -

And of Zebulun he said,
“Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out, and Issachar, in your tents.
They shall call peoples to their mountain; there they offer right sacrifices;
for they draw from the abundance of the seas and the hidden treasures of the sand.”
[vv 18-19 (ESV)]

Since the region these tribes were to inhabit was the Cis-Jordan side of Northern Israel (even though the tribes failed to conquer it), the hidden treasures of the sand is more than likely - seashells - spiny dye-murex shells to be a bit more exact. The treasure is in the bit of liquid these mollusks contain that can be used to make a deep scarlet/indigo dye. While some have alluded that the "hidden treasure" refers to glass (from sand) or treasure from sunken vessels, the fame of the city of Tyre (along the coast of northern Israel) is Tyrian Purple. The Phoenician people, who settled the region, derive their name from this color. The Minoans apparently loved it, the Romans loved it, and certain Roman Emperors forbade anyone else wearing it.

Just a little bonus on Deuteronomy 33.

Thanks for the book Harlan - we love it!