
Galatians 3 - Ending like we started

Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? - Galatians 3:3

Some things are just easier, like going back to our old golf grip, or cheating on the fingering of particular guitar chords. But we gave up the old grip for a reason and Paul is reminding us to not turn back on something a bit more serious.

Again, Paul is saying that our salvation is by the grace that is given to us in Christ. Period. But I still want to earn my place with God. I want to be recognized by my merit.

We just came from a Pastors' and Wives' Retreat. Since you are around your peers, you want to have great stories to tell. You want to be given special recognition. You want others to love and adore you for your achievements. Truth be told, you want God to take special notice.

Fortunately at this retreat, we are pointed to our absolute dependence upon the Spirit. It is not our effort we marvel at, but it is the Lord who is the focus of our glory. We are driven back to the cross, back where we had nothing. That's because, except for the grace of God, we still have nothing.


Rochester Conference: Jesus Creed

This past Thursday I went up to Rochester to see Scot McKnight give a lecture on the Jesus Creed. I read his blog daily. While I don't always agree on the positions he takes, he often gives insight into the Scriptures that is thought through and helpful. Plus he keeps everyone up to date on the latest and greatest in Christendom.

The big point on the Jesus Creed is that Jesus took the Shema (Hear!) of Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and added Leviticus 19:18 to create Mark 12:29-31. This is the Jesus Creed: love God and love others. McKnight also talked about Joseph and Mary; how their piety would have been tarnished in the eyes of others by the birth of Jesus. It was a good lecture that stimulated my thinking in the areas of spiritual formation and for giving people some helpful hooks in following Christ.

Currently I am reading the Jesus Creed and I hope to give a brief review soon.

Conference time!

The same situation came up last year – several excellent conferences are scheduled all at once. There is quite a bit going on at the church, but these times cannot be missed!

Rochester Conference: Scot McKnight spoke on the Jesus Creed (among other topics).

Pastors' and Wives' Refresher: It is what it says it is: refreshing! It is a good opportunity for me to catch up with by E-Free buddies and just spend time getting challenged and helped by people who are in very similar situations.

Desiring God Conference: Keller, Carson, Piper. A combo of any two of them would probably be enough to drag me up to Minneapolis. Add in Driscoll, Wells, and Baucham (don't know him, but I'm sure if he was invited, there is a good reason), a few old friends, and it should be a great conference!


2 Corinthians 13 - Plea for unity

Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the saints greet you. – 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

After three scathing chapters, Paul finally concludes his letter with the exhortations in the preceding paragraph. As we have seen before, unity becomes a huge focus of Paul's letters to the church in Corinth. There is a strong vain in Christendom that doesn't give much thought to unity. Unity is often seen as a value that is opposed to truth, and therefore, will be chucked the moment it gets in the way.

Unity is a value that comes from the Godhead. Unity is displayed perfectly within the Godhead, giving us all kinds of headaches as we try to get a mental grasp on the Triune nature of the One True God.

In light of his pleadings for unity, Paul gives the Corinthian church an excellent picture of how the Triune God operates in their lives:

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (v 14)


2 Corinthians 8 - Giving: for better or worse

I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened, but that as a matter of fairness your abundance at the present time should supply their need, so that their abundance may supply your need, that there may be fairness. As it is written, "Whoever gathered much had nothing left over, and whoever gathered little had no lack." - 2 Corinthians 8:13-15

What does it mean to be rich?

The other day I saw Rob Bell's "Rich" (number #13) in the Nooma series. The example of the rich person was a young American with a beat up car. My friend Duke told me several years back that the average US citizen is part of the richest 2% of all people who have ever lived. We were in Poland and, at the time, everyone was trying to live the materialistic dream of getting as much as you can. The hope we were giving (Jesus) was different than the hope they seemingly desired (our wealth).

The finger is being pointed at me; I am the one with abundance. To someone in a capitalistic society (and doing nicely), this passage can sound like communism. Why is it so hard to share?

One problem is in dealing with those in need. We feel we have earned our money and so those in need should earn theirs and leave us alone.

Wealth is an interesting thing. If Duke's stat is correct, then my wealth has a great deal to do with my birth. Regardless of the sociological causes for my prosperity, the ultimate cause is the Lord; He has made me this way. I haven't been sued for a bajillion dollars and I wasn't born in Bangladesh. My wife and I have had and currently have jobs that are at least a living wage (by US standards) and at most quite prosperous. I tend over-value my role in the wealth that I do have.

The second problem is receiving help when we are in need. We see those asking for help as under-valuing hard work, responsibility, and/or self-discipline. This may be the case, but the absence or presence of these virtues is only part of the answer when it comes to money. If you make enough, you maybe don't have to be as responsible or even work as hard as someone else. Sometimes tragedy strikes and there is nothing we can do to protect our nest egg.

Because I over-value my role in being financially solvent, I often shun help when I need it. That means I am more apt to look down upon or simply problem-solve for those who aren't. In reality, the issues can be deeper than basic money management. God's provision in your hard times may very well be from my gift - helping me to realize that my abundance is from the Lord and it is to be used for His purposes. God's provision in my hard times may very well be from your gift - to the detriment of my pride, but for the betterment of my soul.


1 Corinthians 16 - Effective work

But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. - 1 Corinthians 16:8-9 (ESV)

Couple of thoughts:
(1) Effective work and many adversaries, they just don't seem to go together. At least, we don't want them to go together. As a follower of Christ, this is our destiny – to suffer for the Gospel. Suffering takes on many forms: outright opposition, threats of violence, denial of certain pleasures, swallowing our pride. To be sure, the blessings to be had in Christ outweigh the afflictions, but there will be felt suffering from people and things opposed to the Gospel. Paul writes in Philippians 1:29-30

For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, engaged in the same conflict that you saw I had and now hear that I still have.

The point is that the presence of suffering is not a negative factor in determining what effective work might be. We often see adversaries as deterrent; Paul says opposition is a part of following Jesus.

(2) The presence of opposition doesn't mean that you are doing effective work. Many people look at opposition as a confirmation that they are doing the right thing. The effectiveness of the work must be measured against Scripture, not the number of emails we receive. I know several ministries that get quite a bit of opposition and I think that it is often deserved. We are to examine our faithfulness to Christ, not the amount of heat we get.

9/11 – A time of reflection

Where were you when you first heard about the attacks? I remember that I was typing at the computer listening to “Mike and Mike” on ESPN Radio. Mike Greenberg seemed extremely concerned about a report of a plane crashing in NY while Mike Golic (initially) wanted to get on with the broadcast. I turned on the TV and the story had begun.

How we react to certain things is an interesting phenomenon. Having been upset over (my perceived) lack of interest in some previous world disasters, I wasn’t (at least initially) as caught up into the horror of this one. In all honesty, I was more affected by the response of the people around me than to the tragedy itself. Maybe I already had a healthy dose of “this world is a bad place” but I was truly mystified that some people were too paralyzed to travel, to go out of their rooms, to come back to college. In retrospect, I was probably too jaded to sympathize properly and too proud, secretly wanting show my 'greater' concern by telling people “this world has been a bad place for a long time – read your papers.” Today I am ashamed of both of these attitudes.

I had some appointments set up with some college students (I was on campus staff at the time) so we talked, prayed, watched TV, and gave blood. We coordinated group worship services that evening. This event consumed our ministry for a good couple of months.

There is no real interest on my part on seeing a 9/11 documentary or movie. But I do want to reflect, mourn, and move from 9/11 in a way that honors Christ. Whether 9/11 deeply touched you or you are struggling on how to respond, here are a couple of articles that have helped me this morning:

Bill Williams: a pastor at ground zero during the 9/11 rescue (HT: Jim Martin)

Mark D. Roberts – a prayer on the 5th anniversary of 9/11

And one more Timothy George - Theology for an Age of Terror


1 Corinthians 15 – A welcome change

For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. – 1 Corinthians 15:53 (ESV)

There are times in our lives where we welcome change: marriage, having a child, getting a job, or moving to a new house. There is usually quite a bit of excitement prior to the change and (in some cases at least), there is quite a bit of excitement after the change.

Having spent time with people that are more advanced in years (and by listening to my wife who works in a nursing home), aging is not an exciting event for our bodies. Parts don’t work like they used to and when they do, it hurts. Even if are still young, our bodies are frail, corruptible, and always wanting to be satisfied.

I look forward to my new body. Paul spends a good part of this chapter on the subject of these resurrected bodies. I wish he’d make it clear if I’ll be able to fly…

At the end of 1 Cor 15, there is an interesting point. Through Christ, we will eventually triumph over death. In light of this victory, we are to hold fast, giving ourselves fully to the work of the Lord (v 58). So my broken body is to be used to glorify God with my labor now and my new body will glorify the Lord then.

Now I live in light of what he is going to give me. The victory has been won for us, but, for a time, we still have these perishable robes. May our perishable robes serve our Lord to their fullest strength. (Until we receive something bit more substantial.)


1 Corinthians 13 – The first few words

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. – 1 Corinthians 13:1 (ESV)

It is the dream of every pastor to speak with such eloquence and unction so that the people they speak to are moved. Week after week, I labor to produce sermons that convict and inspire those that hear. Everything becomes a potential illustration; everyone becomes a potential person in the audience. Books and articles are devoured that help refine my exegesis, my theology and especially, my homiletical skill. Here Paul says that a silver tongue doesn't get the job done.

Unfortunately, this verse does not eliminate the need for sermon practice and study.

However, this verse does show the need for something more foundational, something less stately than well-formulated rhetoric – the need for love. There must be love. If I do not truly love the people I speak to, I become a source of irritation and pain. If I quit loving others, there are less damaging things that I could do besides clanging and gonging every Sunday.

The Gospel cures the wounds of the soul. If I am truly transformed by the cross of Christ, I too will have a love for those that hear me as I proclaim it.


Matt Chandler on hurting pastors

On our way home from Missouri, Carrie and I listened to Matt Chandler talk about the hurts that are involved in pastoral ministry. His message, called Gravity, was given at the Reform and Resurgence conference this past May.

This message is really quite powerful.

2 Samuel 1 – Song for an enemy

And David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and Jonathan his son, and he said it should be taught to the people of Judah; behold, it is written in the Book of Jashar. – 2 Samuel 1:17-18 (ESV)

Saul, who sent David into exile and killed those who helped him, has now died. David’s response is to write a lament that would be taught to the entire nation. This lament honors Saul and Jonathan as mighty heroes, those worthy of remembrance.

A desire for personal vengeance often outweighs our desire to what is right, especially if it is honoring someone who has hurt us. We usually aren't that great at honoring anyone but ourselves, even if they didn't do anything to us. I want people to remember me and how great I am, not someone else, not someone who was out to hurt me.

Love for our enemies (and even our friends) should be a type of love that doesn't fade the moment they are out of our sight.


The day has come!

Not "the Day" but the day in which blogger switched my account over to their 'beta' service. This allows me to categorize my posts. The engineer in me is excited. Now I can pour over the minutia of this blog, pine about the 'correct' labels, figure out how to change my header to a big picture like Wince's and Brian's.

Hopefully the changes will come quick and we can get back to business!